Wednesday, November 20, 2024

World Of Vibrant Light

World Of Vibrant Light
© Surazeus
2024 11 20

Ten thousand doors open and close each hour 
Moon Girl glides in her boat on sea of stars 
with leisurely nonchalance of the sad 
till Buddha possesses the speckled fish 
and asks her why the mirror of her heart 
reflects every person who ever lives. 

Demonic energy of arrogance 
possesses the toad on his mushroom throne 
so he demands I find the Diamond Eye 
that Buddha lost in the Slough of Despond 
but I am busy bagging groceries 
to earn tuition fees for graduate school. 

When the bamboo sprite of sweet innocence 
asks Moon Girl why she is still feeling sad, 
she explains her heart is heavy as stone, 
so he offers to help remove the stone, 
but she giggles that he misunderstands, 
and gives him pink cotton candy to eat. 

While I wear my long raven-feathered cape 
no one will know that hidden in my brain 
writhes the fire demon of the mountain cave 
which gives me supernatural strength to catch 
invisible words buzzing with despair 
so I can translate wisdom of the rain. 

When I reach boundary at end of the world 
the time-programming system of the Earth 
traps me in recurring loop of desire 
till I break free from madness of false hope 
and seek Apple Witch with star-flashing eyes 
who knows secret name of my faceless soul. 

If God is so all-powerful and good, 
Moon Girl contemplates, sad in her glass boat, 
then he could create world of vibrant light 
where beings of energy share beams of love 
so we forever generate new life 
to savor pleasure of passionate joy. 

Instead our bodies formed of molecules 
need to consume other organic beings 
in brutal game of hunter eating prey 
so the stronger and more efficient bodies 
generate children who consume the others 
though we will all go extinct in the end. 

Opening my bio-chemistry textbook 
to the chapters on proteins and enzymes, 
I find the Diamond Eye of the Star Wraith 
so I take it to Moon Girl on the lake 
who tosses it for Buddha Toad to eat, 
then we snuggle on her boat in starlight. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus kisses Moon Girl till she is happy again, and she asks him what they should name their child if it is a boy or a girl, then hopes they will live happy and free in this mad world.
