
Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Raise Justice And Liberty

Raise Justice And Liberty
© Surazeus
2024 11 13

Though planes are dropping bombs onto their homes, 
the children run down to the lake to play 
hide and seek among the alphabet trees, 
then gather by the stone tall as the sky 
to ask the devil-eyed raven seer why 
the planes are dropping bombs onto their homes. 

Though soldiers are shooting people to ghosts, 
the children convene in classrooms to learn 
geometry that maps world state of mind 
detailing names of tyrants and their crimes, 
then gather at broken windows to watch 
the soldiers still shooting people to ghosts. 

Though gangsters are forcing merchants to pay, 
the children swarm in the penny arcade 
to fight each other in video war games 
then eat hamburgers and fries with root beer, 
while poor journalists investigate why 
the gangsters are forcing merchants to pay. 

Though priests are abusing children in church, 
the children wear costumes and plastic masks 
of witches, princesses, clowns, and astronauts 
to worship Faunus in the shadowed woods 
yet the faithful never pause to ask why 
the priests are abusing children in church. 

Though bankers are plotting to seize the state, 
the children draw pictures and build tree forts, 
trading comic books, candy, and cool clothes, 
then join pool parties on Saturday nights, 
while government agents fail to arrest 
the bankers from plotting to seize the state. 

Though oligarchs are writing selfish laws, 
the children attending the summer camp 
learn to ride horses and build river boats 
competing in field games to win the prize, 
while their parents work at jobs to support 
the oligarchs still writing selfish laws. 

Though presidents are crowning themselves kings, 
the children form clubs for hobbies and skills 
to share knowledge and help each other learn 
as then attend scholarly conferences, 
while lovers of justice and freedom fight 
the presidents long crowning themselves kings. 

Though fascism is crushing democracy, 
the children gather in parks to protest 
how the wealthy exploit the working poor, 
and fight to raise Justice and Liberty 
because they are done asking adults why 
cruel fascism is crushing democracy. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus films documentary that explores the history of student movements against fascist oligarchs who are attempting to crush democracy.
