
Sunday, January 23, 2022

Tragic Tale Of Life

Tragic Tale Of Life
© Surazeus
2022 01 23

Some Sunday afternoons I like to lie 
on sofa in the living room and stare 
at thin motionless trees in the backyard, 
lit scarlet by eerie winter sunlight, 
to ponder why the courage to endure 
pain of suffering is beautiful to watch. 

I rise to my feet on this spinning globe 
to breathe immortal spirit of fresh air, 
then walk the signless road to Evermore 
ten thousand miles to far end of the world, 
and visit graves where my ancestors lie 
staring forever at stars in the sky. 

The man and the woman of every clan, 
from the small tribe in the circle of stones 
to the vast empire in the palace hall, 
contest for control through struggle for power 
in romantic drama to create life 
which everyone else in the state observes. 

Some couples succeed in sweet comedy 
to marry and raise children they create, 
but some couples fail in sour tragedy 
to misunderstand and kill or be killed, 
while we watch them play their roles on the stage 
with joy or sorrow at end of their tales. 

Long after their bodies crumble to dust 
storytellers record their names and deeds 
in ballads, legends, epics, plays, and novels 
that preserve sorrow of their tragedy 
with dramatic scenes of dynamic action 
which figures nature of their character. 

The glamorous idol of their timeless soul 
attains eternal life through character 
signified by description of their name 
which emanates their spirit from the word 
that preserves complex matrix of their being 
as masked persona of the ideal trope. 

Depicting courage of the human heart, 
which motivates the average human being 
who faces trauma from destructive force 
by overcoming obstacles of fear, 
the greatest storytellers in the world 
narrate stark beauty of heart-breaking sorrow. 

I want to record tragic tale of life 
for every human being who ever lived 
so we can read the stories of their names 
and honor memory of their fleeting lives 
for tragic suffering of the human soul 
inspires us who watch to endure our grief. 

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