
Saturday, October 15, 2016

Pyramid Of Eyes

Pyramid Of Eyes
© Surazeus
2016 10 15

When the handless clown steals your secret eyes,
and leaves you wandering blind on market street,
will you wear your scarlet Superman cape
and fly to heaven with eagles and jets?
We gather on the pyramid of eyes
to feast on the lost dreams of conquered tribes.

When Beauty riding Beast arrives at last
from desert storm to climb the pyramid
where one-eyed Fool tries to hide Key of Life,
will you give her the broken sword at last?
We gather on the pyramid of eyes
to dance with the rhythm of falling bombs.

When Nostradamus falls asleep at dawn,
since prophecies scatter like leaves on river
that flows by the invisible throne of Godin,
will you sing karaoke at my wedding?
We gather on the pyramid of eyes
to brew ripe apples for souls of the damned.

When Sleeping Beauty on gold pyramid
wakes in shock at the kiss of Dracula,
will you paint red A on every locked door
before Robin Hood steals last lightning strike?
We gather on the pyramid of eyes
to sing new hymns about mother of life.

When Pecos Bill rides wild hurricane home
to dance with Cinderella at midnight,
will you teach Tarzan how to calculate
survival of the fittest in chess games?
We gather on the pyramid of eyes
to watch the tragic soap opera of gods.

When Morticia dances on graves of kings,
before Elvira, wearing jeweled crown
of Charlemagne, unlocks the door to heaven,
will you invite me for a glass of wine?
We gather on the pyramid of eyes
to break free from coffins of social rules.

When Beauty gives me book of coded spells,
that I forgot I wrote behind gates of Auschwitz,
to guide my way through labyrinth of her heart,
will you try to sell me the Brooklyn Bridge?
We gather on the pyramid of eyes
to cross abyss of existential angst.

When Lucifer, striding across waste land
of war-ravaged cities, teaches me how
to spark fire that transforms metal to dreams,
will you teach me to build a river boat?
We gather on the pyramid of eyes
to drink from the Holy Grail of rebirth.

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