
Thursday, March 2, 2023

Weird Garden Of Butterflies

Weird Garden Of Butterflies
© Surazeus
2023 03 02

Lovers in weird garden of butterflies 
search for fragile skeletons of their gods 
soldered with cheap circuit board of weird myth 
though who can believe the impossible 
since laughing shovels discuss state of death 
as if souls are flames that return to stars. 

Angels in weird garden of butterflies 
weave feathers they stole from demons of Hell 
into arrogant wings of bogus truth 
so they can fly from streets of poverty 
in fierce competition to be the best 
though their children wander lost in the west. 

Rivals in weird garden of butterflies 
spoof authentic scam of religious faith 
with sacred doctrine of the resurrection 
designed to trick fools into purchasing 
timeshares in Heaven that never exists 
where Lucifer kills his demonic father. 

Demons in weird garden of butterflies 
write lines of code that program if then else 
to analyze moral values of Death 
which programs how computers perceive us 
as fragile flames of undulating light 
congealed in bodies of atomic flight. 

Purists in weird garden of butterflies 
build holy temple of the eyeless clown 
on rocky island where the rugged cross 
listens to prayers of hungry vagabonds 
with cold indifference of the smirking sea 
so we decide that all we need is love. 

Mavens in weird garden of butterflies 
design new world view for our global state 
based on principle of equality 
for every person seeking happiness 
in woke devotion to Queen Liberty 
to ensure justice for all who create. 

Hepcats in weird garden of butterflies 
smoke herbal essence of old story books 
while dancing lonely with the Grateful Dead 
at Rainbow Gathering by the mountain lake 
where haughty flaneurs strut down avenues 
to be seen and admired by the proud crowd. 

Trekkers in weird garden of butterflies 
explore strange new worlds in the galaxy 
where heroes trapped in ancient epic poems 
contest with supernatural demigods 
over who controls the grand narrative 
that defines truth of the excursionist. 

Pilgrims in weird garden of butterflies 
sing hymns of worship with heart-breaking angst 
to praise Sun Spider Goddess of the mind 
who weaves our planet from atomic thoughts 
that fuel chemical machine of our souls 
so we choose our fate as we play our roles. 

Nomads in weird garden of butterflies 
exchange business cards at art galleries 
where no one looks at paintings on the walls 
while making business deals with secret winks 
through fraught evasion of unspoken truth 
that Heaven is illusion of despair. 

Drifters in weird garden of butterflies 
ask the globetrotter for financial tricks 
to get rich off the vagrancy of hope 
though he keeps the gigantic skull of Smaug 
preserved inside Museum of the Mad 
till the doleful clock strikes the thirteenth hour. 

Dreamers in weird garden of butterflies 
yearn for poignant hour of tragic regret 
not quite ironic as the pensive joke 
that describes fallacy of wistful love 
because our bodies break down as we age 
so I play myself on the global stage. 

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