
Sunday, March 10, 2019

World-Wide Ring Of Phones

World-Wide Ring Of Phones
© Surazeus
2019 03 10

Crackling whisper of sand in restless wind 
calculates passion of love we all feel 
to replicate our bodies through wild spring 
of soul-transforming rain on turning globe 
where angels sprout from mud in human form 
so we gather around bright fire to sing. 

Ring of ancient voices on tree-stirred wind 
expands our consciousness beyond the skull 
that guards galactic tangle of brain wires 
which conjures model of vast universe 
in flickering flash of vision bound by words 
so we sing to each other at the fire. 

Though we alone are here alive in wind, 
the flashing spell of words our tongues propel 
conjures visions of people now long dead 
so we sense their ghosts our own brains invent 
glide around us as scented moon-gray smoke 
so we sing to the ghosts around our fire. 

The ghosts of dead people our words designed 
vanish at flash of the sun rising red 
over hills of anguish where we must hunt 
on quest for food that will sustain our souls 
when we return to sacred ring of stones 
so we share stories around fire of truth. 

Thousands of years later, I have returned 
to ring of stones where my ancestors sat 
for countless generations every night 
to share stories that create my world view 
which preserves their tales in dreams of my brain 
so I sit alone around fire of truth. 

Now we hold fragments of eternal flame 
glowing encased in tablets of smart phones 
that connect our minds in the world wide web 
though we walk alone in vast maze of time, 
still exploring mysteries of our lush world 
so we share tales in world-wide ring of phones. 

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