
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Way Of Wholesome Masculinity

Way Of Wholesome Masculinity
© Surazeus
2019 03 13

My strong sense of responsibility 
for the life of children I generate 
blocks quick thrust of my desire to enjoy 
pleasure of passion for this mindless now, 
because I want to raise my children well 
by teaching them to navigate strange maze 
of reality, and guide them on way 
of truth to paradise of fruitful trees 
where strict routine of actions nurtures life, 
ensuring they survive after I die. 

If I pursue quick pleasure of desire 
then leave the woman pregnant with my child 
to survive this reckless world, if she can, 
my genes may dissipate from dream of time 
because I abandoned them to blind fate, 
but if I commit passion of my love 
to care for the woman I impregnate, 
sheltering her from hostile environment, 
and feeding her good food I hunt and gather, 
I can preserve lives of children we make. 

I think this way is natural for my mind, 
to plan long-term beyond moment of pleasure 
for preserving lives of my wife and children, 
because most of my male ancestors paused 
at moment of connection through hot lust 
to remember how men blinded by passion 
failed to preserve lives of their fragile children, 
and so decided to commit their hearts 
to guarding life of the woman they loved 
so their children grew up healthy and wise. 

Thus men who focused on moment of pleasure, 
then abandoned pregnant women to fate, 
failed to teach their children how to live well 
so their way of thinking vanished at death 
of each generation lost in the world, 
while men who focused on raising their children 
by caring for their wives with generous love 
taught their children how to investigate 
nature of this Earth to survive and thrive, 
so their offspring now populate the world. 

Though urge of chemical biology 
drives me with fierce desire to procreate 
with every woman I meet in the world, 
I exercise self-control of respect 
to honor first the wish of every woman 
to control her own reproductive rights 
and commit eager passion of my heart 
to care for one woman who shares my love 
when we both express our mutual affection 
to work together raising children well. 

Instead of impregnating every woman 
I can catch against desire of her heart, 
who would sacrifice or abort the child, 
unwanted because forced against her will, 
I respect private will of every woman 
to choose the man with whom she wants to breed, 
because she generates flesh from her flesh, 
thus I protect the right of every woman 
to live the way she chooses, and to bear 
the child she wants to raise with loving care. 

No woman should be forced against her will 
to bear the child of fierce aggressive man 
who cares nothing for her private desires, 
so every man should care for every woman 
to respect and honor her right to choose 
whether or not to bear child from her heart, 
then every child well born to loving parents, 
who work together to teach them good way 
to savor beautiful pleasures of life, 
will transcend flesh with divine consciousness. 

When force of genetic biology 
urges me to procreate in new children, 
so eternal spirit of foaming genes 
reincarnates again in flesh of bodies, 
I control urgent energy of lust 
to woo the woman who attracts my heart, 
so we together plan our matrimony 
with mutual agreement to replicate 
children of our love through expressed free will, 
and thus we build our family on respect. 

Through way of wholesome masculinity, 
based on respect for free will of each woman 
to exercise her reproductive rights 
through clear-eyed choice to share passion with me, 
I navigate confusing maze of life 
through hostile landscape of indifferent nature 
by committing faithful love of my heart 
to live hand in hand with my trusting mate 
so we raise children to love the White Whole 
who create with joy after we both die. 

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