
Saturday, March 2, 2019

Nothingness In Everything

Nothingness In Everything
© Surazeus
2019 03 02

Logging off my social media accounts, 
and leaving my phone on the bedroom dresser, 
I step outside and sit in my backyard 
to stare at nothingness in everything. 

I feel solid intensity of Earth 
pulsing in mounds of dirt that bulge compact 
around hot molten core of spinning sphere 
which flashes nothingness of magnet waves. 

I see small seeds spiraling into plants 
through sprouting tendrils of fractal expansion 
when sunlight spins vast webs of throbbing veins 
where nothingness of hunger consumes more. 

I see enormous sun like spider blaze 
flashing webs of photon rays that weave matter 
which splashes from Earth in organic froth 
of nothingness who wakes in conscious brains. 

I dream whole history of our universe 
since first flash flares forth into spiral waves 
of galaxies that nurture worlds of life 
who wake from nothingness of hungry hope. 

I breathe cool air when breezes rustle trees 
and swirl my hair in puffs around my face 
which sparkles flashing cells of glowing soul 
that I am nothingness of the White Whole. 

I strum guitar in quiet afternoon 
and improvise strange contemplative thoughts 
to explore vast labyrinth of mirrored myths 
and wear nothingness as mask of my self. 

I see slant rays of light illuminate 
faces as petals on the wet black bough 
over white chickens by the red wheel barrow 
as I eat fruit of nothingness and laugh. 

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