
Monday, December 3, 2018

Poisonous Snake Of Nationalism

Poisonous Snake Of Nationalism
© Surazeus
2018 12 03

The poisonous snake of nationalism
slithers slime across our Stars and Stripes flag,
smearing noble principles with its hate.

We should welcome all people of the world
to join our Democratic way of life
that respects free will of each individual
to live as they wish, working to earn wealth.

When other nations are controlled by tyrants
we should visit to educate elite
how to operate a good Democracy,
and encourage them to develop laws
that respect force of basic human rights
so they can prosper with productive jobs
to enjoy living in their fertile land
instead of migrating to invade ours.

I know my view is simple and naive
for political state in every land
is always complex game for power control
between opposing factions of strong gangs
who seek to exploit labor of the folk
and enrich themselves while poor people slave.

People from one common national race
want to control resource of fertile land
to benefit constant growth of their clan
at the expense of all opposing groups
because the wiser and stronger prevail,
but tribes should assimilate other tribes
to enrich their gene pool with fresher code,
for incestuous breeding always results
in weaker and less intelligent members,
while interbreeding more always results
in stronger and more intelligent members.

The noble Eagle of Democracy
swoops down to snatch with sharp claws of justice
the poisonous snake of nationalism,
and destroys fascist arrogance of pride
to restore Justice and Liberty for all.

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