
Friday, December 7, 2018

Horror Crushing Your Heart

Horror Crushing Your Heart
© Surazeus
2018 12 07

In the cracked mirror of the day I face
my demons congealed from shadow of fears
twisting my heart taut as piano strings
to twang conceptual truth of aching hope
I might escape death long enough to know
unified theory of everything real.

That face I always see in swirling clouds
reflects strange character my father beams
to flash awake my comprehending brain
thick as the sea sponge that soaks platitudes
expressing concepts through language itself
I organize in lines of arcane code.

My overarching narrative of action
explains the individual will to power
how people who learn quickest to adapt
survive hostile conflict when companies
absorb each other to acquire assets
focused on shareholder value of wealth.

Those who quickly adjust to new conditions
avoid Slough of Despond on pilgrimage
through waste land of the word-thundering god
by navigating funhouse maze of lies
through den of thieves in the capitol dome
to invade inner sanctum of world power.

The person best qualified to perform
duties as pastor of their trusting flock
does not believe in that creator God
who demands obedience from mortal minds
because the atheist better understands
how to guide people to achieve their goals.

While I proclaim my wisdom on world stage
the blind prophet mocks my vain arrogance
by showing I am a mediocre clown
since I believe I am the brilliant genius
anointed messiah by loving God
who exists nowhere but in my own mind.

Since I outwitted you all to achieve
dominant office of authority
therefore I must be the most stable genius
who rules the world with feelings in my gut
so trust me that I know the secret truth
though you attack me with your jealous hate.

My genius concepts I express in code
that propagate fake news I say is truth
blow your little minds to helpless disgust
so look on my mighty works and despair
for I am your demon in the cracked mirror
who reflects the horror crushing your heart.

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