
Friday, December 7, 2018

Vision Of My Free Will

Vision Of My Free Will
© Surazeus
2018 12 07

When I fall off the Matterhorn of Truth
and flap useless wings that Icarus gave
nine days and nine nights tumbling in despair,
will they address me as wise Lucifer
who dares rebel against authority
to express weird vision of my free will?

Should I go out and play my private game
to reclaim strong castle my fathers lost
when rampaging hordes invaded our lands,
or shall I pledge bold action of my sword
to help King Alfred establish strong state
based on rule of law against selfish gain?

Shall I join mission of my nation-state
to fight against attacking hordes of thieves
and guard surrounding walls of paradise
with area denial systems of defense
to maintain democracy of free choice
so we do what we will, if we harm none?

What mortal man with strict leadership skills
will rise as Hidden Dragon from the people
to express clear vision of social programs
adjusting process for productive work
with equal opportunity for all,
and lead our nation to greater success?

When from state of grace in Heaven I fall
will force of my ejection from the state
create new space in waste land of despair
to build foundation for my new world view
where every person has right to exist
and pursue the happiness of their dreams?

Since Barsanti, greatest wizard of all time,
conceived concept of the piston engine
to harness force of expanding hot air,
humans race time machines faster through space,
clashing hard in two destructive world wars,
which mutates farm states into corporate empires.

The ancient system of kingdoms controlled
by dynasties of men wearing gold crowns
that persisted more than two thousand years
collapsed the past one hundred fifty years
since Barsanti designed the piston engine
that replaced the horse as vehicle motor.

I feel amazed each time I drive my car
at how much our process of life has changed
since I can now move over the landscape
four times faster than when riding the horse,
accelerating race to attain wealth
by competing to control lands of Earth.

As lone individual how do I fit
in global web of corporate entities
to join common mission of making food
so everybody on Earth can eat well
while making time in process of my day
to work on projects of my own design?

I want to organize all social data
on time-animated atlas of world history
to present progress of transforming change
in human deeds based on technology,
then analyze process of social growth
so I can act well in theater of life.

What role can I perform on stage of hope
to cooperate with my fellow human beings
so conglomerate forces of separate actions
result in effects of productive good
from constructive cause of skilled execution
so our hands create rather than destroy?

When I climb up the Matterhorn of Truth
and beat useful wings that Icarus gave
nine days and nine nights struggling with desire,
they will address me as wise Lucifer
since I confirm my soul with self-control,
my liberty in force of natural laws.

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