
Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Maneuver Through Vast Maze

Maneuver Through Vast Maze
© Surazeus
2018 12 05

I see your body hanging from the sky,
she whispers in my ear when I wake up,
so when I look through the wind-rustling trees
I see swift hawk gliding under gold clouds.

I sit on still-point of the turning world,
unmoving as I meditate on action,
and consider every possible course
I could blaze in my progress through the world.

I could take one step in any direction
that multiplies with every step I take
so specific paths I could step through space
are infinite in all their variations.

The ancients calculate from center point
three hundred and sixty directions forward
that I could move through circle of our world
in lines of spiral curves across its surface.

Because I could go anywhere by choice
I move not as I contemplate each route
to calculate results that I would find,
wanting to go where I create most wealth.

What golden path of great accomplishment
would lead me to achieve the height of power
by navigating dangers to ascend
stage of action to sit on throne of judgment?

How could I move through teeming crowds of men
while speaking magic spells that conjure visions
which could enchant their minds to see my soul
shine brighter with divine authority?

So many obstacles could block my way
as I maneuver through vast maze of lies
to outwit countless more ambitious fools
and win political game to play God.

Each moment I advance through vibrant space
location of my soul becomes still point
of central revolution that binds souls
with loyal obedience to my commands.

One person comes to rule each circled space,
master of the house, mayor of the town,
count of the county, king of the kingdom,
priest of the temple, judge of the law court,
governor of the state, emperor of the empire,
president of the nation, God of the World,
one person who speaks visions the rest see
so people elect to follow his lead.

Why do we choose one person with grand vision
to lead the group with strict authority
so they achieve the mission of their purpose
designed by the founder worshipped as God?

Yet still alone on still-point of my brain,
I contemplate the mystery of bold action
when men contest to rule resourceful space,
and in my mind become ruler of nothing.

While viewing map that shows where cities thrive
I notice capitols of empires sprout
near mouths of rivers that bind land and sea
as most important points where men gain power.

Then power spreads deeper inland along rivers
so stronger capitols grow from the heartland
at central point between coasts of two seas,
accessible along network of roads.

I shall build capitol of my new empire
where three enormous rivers merge in one
at center point of the whole continent
so I can rule it all by land and air.

I shall construct enormous pyramid
at center point all continents encircle,
on north coast of Greenland near the North Pole,
as global capitol to rule the world.

Though you think I am mad with lust for power
I laugh because I will never achieve
this vision of the future I conceive
since I still sit alone among tall trees.

Though I can see this path before me glow
I will not follow its false destiny
and here remain the nameless bard of truth
singing tales about fierce struggles for power.

So here I sit upon the ground of truth
and tell sad stories of the death of kings,
men always fighting to control the world,
yet all crumbling into dust of the Earth.

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