
Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Devoted To The Way Of Death

Devoted To The Way Of Death
© Surazeus
2018 12 18

Devotion is what Death has asked of us
before we could require it of ourselves.
We give each other true pledge of the kiss
when propping our portraits on hollow shelves.

The savage monster, thirsty to consume
blood of pleasure, dwells in each human heart.
Though we try to avoid the fate of doom,
we leave messy lives mapped on the myth chart.

That sacred truth, no human can avoid,
walks ever with us on long road to death.
We eat flesh to grow beyond swirling void
and sing hopeful despair with every breath.

We stumble blindly through weird maze of lies,
searching for our role in the crafting game.
We look for omens from clouds in blank skies
to design the world view of our own name.

I am devoted to the Way of Death
for all organic beings dissolve to dust.
Each hour my heart beats I inspire deep breath
to flash awake my consciousness with trust.

Because this is the only life we get
I fight tyrants to keep all humans free.
Before I die I hope I can beget
child of my soul who will rise from the sea.

I pluck sacred apple from primal tree
to eat light and rain in succulent fruit.
We live each day, pretending we are free,
while Death, urging us to dance, plays the flute.

Though preachers lie that we can escape death,
billions choose to believe this lie they sell.
Recite with me this ancient shibboleth,
we are frail flames casting light on time wall.

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