
Saturday, December 15, 2018

Tyrants On False Thrones

Tyrants On False Thrones
© Surazeus
2018 12 15

Weaving wild rings of tumult from dawn light,
we violate pure nature with curved eyes
that measure apparition of strange souls
who nameless pivot geometric forms
to dream broad panoramic scenes of truth
where flashing sun of time reveals our hearts.

Since April is the cruelest month of growth,
quick striding through cold blowing snow of fear,
we wait alone that longest night of gloom,
which shudders frost to chill our sense of doom,
then drive our caravan of speechless hope
to crack grim silence of the wilderness.

I search for ancient prophets in broad fields
whose voices once cried loud to shake stone walls
but nothing more than silent skulls in grass,
that sings from whisper of indifferent wind,
lie cracked on piles of sun-blasted white stones
where their vain prophecies moan clay-scratched spells.

Though long in silent horror of mute grass
I sat encumbered from blind-shadowed dream
outside contingent walls of hungry power,
I gather in wind-shuddering heart strange omen
which defines duty I ought to perform
proclaiming hard truth to men blind with greed.

Were I to strum harsh chords on lyre of truth
to explicate clear vision from strict facts
they would attempt to sever from my hand
these crafting fingers which should spell their doom,
yet fate will strike them from their haughty perch
whether or not I proclaim their misdeeds.

Once I proclaim their misdeeds to the world,
revealing how they tricked farmers as fools
to give them power they wield to oppress men,
will they strike hard from citadel of fear
to pierce my plain heart with poisonous lies
and smash frail hall of justice I support?

When they saw my fingers from crafting hands
my digits will grow into raging dragons
that drink foul blood of tyrants on false thrones
and flash clear lightning of truth across time,
dispelling clouds of gloom that darken hope
so truth may sprout again as tree of fruit.

Still undefeated now by countless gangs
of nationalist thieves, who attack our faith
in self-aware nature of common men,
we unite resources to counter lies
with obvious truth about heroic action
honest men perform so all may live well.

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