
Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Harmonize Diverse Visions

Harmonize Diverse Visions
© Surazeus
2018 12 11

Every world view that came to dominate
conceptual perception of my dreaming brain
disperses at last in obscuring smoke
when my laughter discomposes deceptions
of immured ideologies angels clump
from mud to breathe spirit in our frail flesh.

Through taut analysis of tangled words
I decipher puzzles from fractured vase
to clarify process of weaving synergy
that schedules progress of strict elements
through advantageous link of distinct minds
communicating efforts to make truth.

This clever trick to discombobulate
arrogant word-smiths ensconced in glass tower
contrives fugacious flash through eloquence
strange revelation from the last blind king
who wanders waste land with hand full of flowers
he tore from tangled mesh of rancid souls.

Lost in gloom where no light beams from rain clouds,
he cries out that he sees light flashing clear
while groping for cave where no shadows play
to find wings torn from his heart long before
his daughter died in his arms when he ran
aching for truth through forest of blind trees.

This wish for love that animates our soul
extends two sets of wings to motivate
urgent progress toward the garrulous tomb,
one to move it into thick world of forms
and one to thrust it into our frail heart,
so we can fly beyond bounds of our faith.

Now I design my own complete world view
to explicate complex structure of time
how flashing particles from vast White Whole
elaborate web of matter through expression
when humans sit in circles around fires
to harmonize diverse visions in one dream.

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