
Thursday, June 21, 2018

Who Hears Light Waves

Who Hears Light Waves
© Surazeus
2018 06 21

The keyless piano in empty room
reveals strange music no one ever hears
except for deaf children who vibe the light
of colors singing from clear ocean waves.

Although I speak the prophecy of doom
I color over mask of hidden fears
because Yartha taught me art of foresight
to name ever-changing shadows in caves.

I stand knee-deep in star river all day,
catching fish who sing riddles of the truth,
but when I look in mirror of her eyes
I dream whole history of our universe.

She explains the secret of how to pray
to God who eludes the most clever sleuth
but cannot explain why everyone dies
so I keep riddles in my secret purse.

I map unseen footsteps through church of gloom
where the book that preserves secret of flight
explains how to escape and run away
because I always fall from naked skies.

My brain expands with the white apple bloom
because she knows I must play the shipwright
crafting vessel of truth from last moon ray
which inspires me to join the cult of spies.

My heart gouged by pain holds many new tears
because I must play the hero who saves
since my new persona is the most couth
who ever evaded the phantom curse.

Because my leather bag holds gold arrears
I jumpstart the money machine which paves
ten thousand roads leading to the last booth
where the Sun God drives new celestial hearse.

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