
Monday, June 25, 2018

United In Purpose

United In Purpose
© Surazeus
2018 06 25

My view of the world, not the world itself,
is shattered in shards of puzzling concepts,
because people refuse to play the roles
their ancestors played in dramas of life,
so we rewrite the archetypes of truth.

Equations of actions people perform
to generate their right to eat good food
shift each moment people change their desires
to swerve from righteous paths of noble cause.

I do what I do, whatever you do,
because I discard masks of ancient gods
after I wear them to hide my true soul
the hour we ascend highest temple stairs
and stand amid the ruins of world views
to taste the rain of timeless consequence.

Now I will play no character but me,
for I rise reborn from the pain of death
to transcend all the lies of history.

Instead of pushing frail statues of gods
off pedestals of mindless worship, look
closely at their faces, and see their eyes
to recognize the face you must perceive
when you look in the mirror of your soul.

We should keep the statues of all dead gods
standing in abandoned temples of power
to remember history of how we got
here at the height of colonial empire.

We long were oppressed by hordes of strange people
from distant lands who invaded our lands
and forced us to work building their grand temples,
but once we succeeded in our rebellion,
fighting for liberty of human rights,
by driving them back to their sterile lands,
we replicated their structure of power
to protect ourselves from future invasions,
and secure our borders against their greed.

Now we expand beyond borders of faith
and invade their lands with hordes of warriors
eager to dominate fallen dominators,
and force them to build temples to our power
so they know how it felt to be oppressed
when former slaves become their overlords.

We endured slavery thousands of years
but we enslave them past five hundred years
and now they cry against us in their pain,
forgetting how they caused us the same pain,
so they claim we always oppressed them,
failing to remember they oppressed us,
and taught us how to play master of death.

Now we must put aside all past oppressions
and live together equal on this land
and mix together so we become one,
sharing the fertile beauty of this world,
united in purpose of trusting love.

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