
Tuesday, June 19, 2018

New Melodies We Invent

New Melodies We Invent
© Surazeus
2018 06 19

Clouds of silver and red bulge over hills
of tall green pines that shimmer in warm breeze
which swirls over sloping fields of gold wheat
and herds of cows where cars glide by on roads.

I perceive this landscape with beaming eyes
imbued with timeless glimmer of existence,
for these hills and clouds persist in this space
long before and long after my hour here.

This shimmer of perception in my brain
is nothing more than brief flash of awareness
that flickers in slow spinning of this sphere
four billion years around the blazing sun.

Yet here and now I feel all spinning time
hanging motionless, through solidity
of pulsing atoms that throb with my heart,
in ceaseless flow of stillness beyond death.

I turn and look in the eyes of my mate
who stands beside me on the treeless hill
in silent observation of the scene
that holds our bodies in frame of slow change.

We could be anywhere on this huge globe,
standing on any hill by any river
and gazing at any landscape and sky,
so we become everywhere at all time.

I refuse to succumb to ecstasy
of insightful vision enclosed by words
of this weird religious epiphany
that opens wide the eye not in the sky.

So all the times I drive my car on roads
through maze of streets in many nameless towns
flashes fast forward through my memory
to remind me how I found my way lost.

My journey through the landscape of the world
weaves silver thread of my soul in its fabric
till every atom of my brain reflects
face of every soul I meet passing by.

This journey I map is not mine alone
for every conscious soul who ever lives
continues swimming from the sea of dreams
up river flow to stand on timeless shore.

We hold hands and form ring around the tree
where apples shimmer in red morning rays
to sing timeless beauty of hills and clouds
which erode in rain and disperse in wind.

We bury bones of our parents in roots
of apple trees, then take their place in ring
of dreaming eyes to maintain their old song
with vibe of new melodies we invent.

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