
Friday, June 29, 2018

Delusions Of Grandeur

Delusions Of Grandeur
© Surazeus
2018 06 29

I can attest to the marvelous fact
that writing long epic poem about life
can make you feel like an immortal god
since I strut around town like Superman
even while my body rots from old age
and delusions of grandeur blind my eyes.

Escaping cold Museum of the Muses,
after writing almost one million words
in epic poem about philosophers
to narrate quests in the lives and ideas
of twenty-six ancient Greek physicists,
I dance around the Story Fire of Bacchus.

Give me wine, I shout to the howling crowd,
who dance holding hands in circle of stones
while Apollo high on pyramid mound
twangs electric riffs on Hermean lyre,
so I twirl around under flashing stars
and fall laughing into abyss of death.

Tear my soul apart with your hungry hands,
you wild people looking for a good time,
and roast my brain over the Story Fire,
then devour my body of singing words
and drink the spirit of my humming blood
so you hallucinate my tale of heroes.

Throw my singing head in the stream of time
and I will float on the ocean of souls
to become one with the whole universe
reborn as ten thousand ambitious poets
who follow our footsteps up Mount Parnassus
to sing the noble history of mankind.

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