
Friday, June 29, 2018

Sentence Of Death

Sentence Of Death
© Surazeus
2018 06 29

Jarrod stares at glowing ghost of his face
reflected in glass window of the office
where journalists work on daily newspaper,
writing stories about small town events.

"I fell in love with her beautiful face
when we were fellow students in high school,
and every time she walked the crowded hall
she was elegant like some movie star.
I asked her on a date, but she said no,
so I visited her house, but she slammed
the door in my face, so I called her phone
and texted messages to show my love.
When boys in the movies reveal their love
they persist till they win love of her heart,
so I followed their example, and dreamed
of when she would stand beside me in church.
I want to build her big house with a garden
and I want to make love and raise cute children
but she called police who arrested me
and charged me with stalking my future wife.
How can she call harassment this deep love
that urges me to tell her how I feel,
but her rejecting me makes me feel rage
that burns till I feel my brain will explode.
I am a good man with heart full of love
but when newspaper writers publish stories
that paint me as the evil criminal
everybody in town now laughs at me.
I was not stalking her with evil lust,
because I was trying to prove my love
and how I want her for my loyal wife,
because God says wives should obey their husbands.
Though I filed defamation suit in court
because these journalists defamed my honor,
I thought justice would defend my good cause,
but then the corrupt judge dismissed my case.
The judge declared that everything they wrote
smearing my reputation through news stories
was true, and thus did not defame my name,
so today I will pass sentence of death.
How could you all corrupt my love to hate,
twisting my feelings for the pretty girl
to rage against the vast fake news machine,
for you all conspire to destroy my life.
Our president who tells it like it is
reveals how journalists always tell lies
to push their evil communist agenda
to destroy freedom in America.
Now it is time to take out the vile trash
and punish these reporters of fake news
for defaming me with their vicious lies
because I am the vengeance of the Lord."

Jarrod raises the rifle from his coat
and files hundred of bullets through the window,
shooting reporters who flee for their lives
and grinning as they fall in pools of blood.
Police cars arrive, flashing lights of fear,
so Jarrod hides under computer desk,
but police arrest him, cuffing his hands,
and lock him in bright jail cell with his hate.

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