
Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Art Of Politics

Art Of Politics
© Surazeus
2018 06 13

Staring at the blank white canvas that stands
defiant on the easel of her heart,
Brandy holds the brush dipped in vibrant paint
poised tense to create the whole universe
in one expressive stroke of aching hope.

In blankness of the canvas Brandy sees
soldiers shooting protesters in Israel,
children hiding from bombs in Syria,
agents pulling children away from parents
in California, Arizona, and Texas,
and people starving in camps in Korea,
and the vision brush trembles in her hand.

"I want to paint the horror of this world
how tyrants and oppressors gain power,
lusting to control the land and the people
to benefit their family and close friends
while billions of people struggling to live
work in factories and large stores, or starve,
but how can I capture all that in art?"

Drinking wine and staring out the cracked window
at tall city towers full of people working
to maintain the vast economic engine
of our sprawling empire that controls most
of the smaller nations around the world,
Brandy ponders the art of politics.

"What good can I do if I just paint concepts
of oppression in abstract strokes of color
when I could paint dramatic scenes of power
to illustrate through clear visual tableaus
guilty actions of senators and bankers
who collude to reduce us all to slaves
by crippling education and work unions
so we all become stupid docile workers?"

Inspired by visions that bloom in her mind,
Brandy paints large mural that illustrates
presidents of America and Russia
huge at large table of factories and banks
feasting on bodies of the common people
while they play with nuclear bombs like toys
and armies of robots conquer the world
covered with pipelines for water and oil
and factories that devour the pregnant Earth.

"I may not change the world with what I paint,
but my duty is to depict true events
so people can read past official news
and canon of historical accounts
to see how we fight against evil tyrants
to maintain justice through democracy
where all are treated equal under law."

Working long into the indifferent night,
Brandy paints details of each human face
to illustrate turmoil of world events
frozen in tableau on vast stage of time.

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