
Saturday, June 16, 2018

Children Locked In Cages

Children Locked In Cages
© Surazeus
2018 06 16

Sitting on soft couch in her living room,
the young mother suckles her new-born child
while her two older children watch cartoons
and drink lemonade on hot summer day.

"I read cute poem some unknown poet wrote
that children are the greatest work of art
a woman creates with love of her heart,
and it can be argued that this is true.
I created these children from my eggs,
transforming seed of their father to make
their bodies which I nourish with fresh milk,
and then train them to be good human beings.
Although they develop their own free will
as they grow into autonomous persons,
yet who they decide to be springs from me
as I teach them to behave with respect.
I teach them to talk when I talk to them,
I teach them how to act when I perform
actions that express values of my heart,
and I teach them how to choose right or wrong.
Therefore I am the artist of their souls
and they are the work of art I create,
so children are the greatest work of art
that any human creates with their heart."

Gazing into eyes of her little child,
who gazes back at her with conscious smile,
the young mother sighs and kisses its head,
then hugs the baby to her beating heart.

"I love my child with such strange aching truth
that I could not bear the thought that some man
would dare take them away from me with force,
for they depend on me to teach them love.
The tragic stories I see in the news
that border agents take children from mothers
and lock them in cages in prison centers
tears at my heart with horrible despair.
To think of all those children and their mothers
pulled apart by rough hands of soulless men,
who would argue they are doing their job,
blinds me with anguish at how they must feel.
I cannot believe agents of our nation
would violate our most fundamental rules
of respect for freedom of every person
confirmed by centuries of honest action.
We cannot allow agents of our state
take children away from their loving mothers
for this is what Nazis in Germany
did to the children and mothers of Jews.
The shock of horror at such cruel behavior
paralyzed Germans from taking strong action
to stop their brothers from deporting Jews
to exterminate them in prison camps.
We cannot allow blinding shock of horror
at such behavior by men of our nation
to paralyze us from defending rights
of women and children to stay together.
Because we saw how these atrocious actions
of Nazis resulted in prison camps,
we can act to stop our own government
from detaining children in prison camps.
The reputation of America
has now been tainted by these evil actions
so we must stop Nazis in our White House
to preserve equal justice for all people."

Caressing the cheek of her little baby,
the young mother flushes from agitation,
then breathes deep to calm down her beating heart,
and hums lullaby with sweet incantation.

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