
Friday, June 15, 2018

Masks Of False Identity

Masks Of False Identity
© Surazeus
2018 06 15

We wear the mask of special characters
to obscure our basic identity
which maintains cultural order we invent
to exaggerate differences between groups
based on sex, race, religion, or the role
we play in hierarchical social structures.

Yet when we fall in love with someone strange
or attack some rival with violence
we strip away all differences we make,
discarding masks of false identity,
to equalize ourselves as human beings.

No matter sex, race, religion, or role
of social function we claim elevates
our status above different human beings,
we become equal thinking animals
when we embrace with passionate desire
or fight to kill with violent contempt.

The best that any human being can be,
embodied by Jesus, the God of Love,
and worst that any human being can be,
embodied by Satan, the God of Hate,
exist with equal force of mental will
in every human being who walks this world.

The active force of potent energy
that will prevail in the heart of each person,
whether the good soul of constructive action,
or the evil soul of destructive action,
depends on which force that person will feed,
for we become what we most focus on.

Whatever I do, I want to preserve
genetic soul that spirals through my cells
so I study force of cause and effect
to understand results of active process,
then analyze construction and destruction
so I can choose to create, not destroy.

The first single cell that woke in the sea
around three billion years ago in time
opened conscious eye of hopeful desire,
and thus transforms in countless generations
through aggressive action to consume others
then copulate to replicate new children.

We kill to consume material of bodies
then make love to duplicate our own bodies
and thus live again in children we make,
diverging into various types of species
so from one mother all life forms on Earth
differentiate into competing gangs.

How can we balance opposing desires,
competing to assert our right to live
by fighting and killing threats to our health,
with cooperating in groups to perform
social roles that help everyone survive,
so we can mutate into powerful gods?

Though other people may try to control me
or kill me to control land where I live
I will fight for our liberty to thrive,
eating food and raising children with truth,
by asserting my rights when I am weak
and preserving their rights when I am strong.

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