
Monday, January 14, 2019

Where Adam And Eve Went

Where Adam And Eve Went
© Surazeus
2019 01 14

While driving cars to work on Monday morning,
thousands of people stuck in traffic downtown
stare startled to behold on white unicorn
our elegant Goddess with flowing hair
whose eyes beam visions of heavenly meadows
where we eat fruit and dance on river shores.

With work-weary hearts we long to escape
bondage of the city in paradise lost
to follow William Wordsworth in prelude
who would show us where Adam and Eve went,
hiking mountain trails to the secret lake
where eternal truth shines in sky-blue depths.

What will we do when we sit on the grass
beneath Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
to eat forbidden fruit of secret truth,
then sit for hours, staring at the wind blow,
while wondering about true nature of things,
till men with weapons come and steal our land?

The businessmen who work in money banks
become the vampires who stalk us at night,
while workers in factories building machines
become the zombies who drink beer in bars,
though Doctor Frankenstein attempts to sew
fragments of our souls into whole new person.

At midnight when the weary people sleep,
dreaming about owning their own new home,
the Werewolf paints every sign on the roads
with secret code which shows the ancient way
back home to paradise on river shore
where children play chase among apple trees.

Our parents fled the farms of small hick towns
to work in office towers in shining cities,
but now our children flee hard city streets
to work with their hands on small country farms,
raising crops that flourish in sun and rain,
then ship wheat to make bread in factories.

Our shining Goddess on white unicorn
casts beams of light slanting through dark rain clouds
that illuminate cosmic spinning wheel
through motionless time between life and death
so we become the mask of god we wear
concealing while revealing ache of love.

The sleuth steps out and leaps across car roofs,
then runs out into the wordless wilderness
where he can meditate in Cave of Shadows
about the constant impulse of bright atoms
that weave organic forms of conscious souls
from giant spheres seething with chemicals.

Would I leave my job analyzing data
to sit all day in small wood fishing boat
on sparkling lake that mirrors cosmic wheels
so I can dream evolution of life forms
who crawl up rivers to the lake of dreams
then swarm across the land to tend fruit trees?

Ten million years we evolve mice to gods,
building temples of stone and towers of glass,
then wiring world wide web of huge computers
to design Brain of God for Earth to dream,
but how will we evolve beyond this body,
transforming into ethereal ghosts of light?

Contained inside this frail body of flesh,
I dream long history of our universe
when the first flash flares forth into White Whole
that weaves galaxies of planets from light
when suns forge atoms that compose our brains
so we remember how we came to be.

I ride behind our Goddess with long hair
who guides prancing unicorn from the city
so we sit together on hill of trees
to eat apples and sing about the light
that weaves our bodies from hot molecules
when we make love to create our new soul.

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