
Sunday, January 27, 2019

Nourished By Sweet Ideas

Nourished By Sweet Ideas
© Surazeus
2019 01 27

The sweet idea that ripens in my mind
from bloom of thoughts gestating many years
I must express in matrix of rich concepts
before it festers from entangled truths
and rots unspoken from repressed despair.

How many time-ripe fruits of secret thoughts
congealing complicated concepts clear
burst bright from tangled branches of my brain
to plummet unconsumed on rotting soil
then fertilize new thoughts yet unexpressed?

I gather fallen fruit from time-moist soil
then bake sweet pie to present strange events
of human action which might illustrate
through cause and effect strange dramatic truths
that mold features of social characters.

My mind is but one dream-tree blooming songs
in flourishing forest of fruit-bearing souls
whose visions litter Earth with unheard tales,
yet voices of ten thousand singing trees
harmonize all experience in one tune.

Open wide your mind to spirit of love
that blows as wind from sparkles of the sea
so you express your most beautiful song
in harmony with countless other singers
when all our voices blend in choir of truth.

We walk together in grove of fruit trees,
sharing visions of our future together,
united to raise children of our love,
so let us sing our love in harmony
nourished by sweet ideas our minds create.

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