
Friday, January 25, 2019

Idea Of The Running Horse

Idea Of The Running Horse
© Surazeus
2019 01 25

I see the running horse on treeless field,
mane flowing in the wind of liberty.

On sheet of paper I write the two words
running horse, then stick the paper with tape
to the side of the running horse, on skin
soft with sweat as it slides over taut muscles.

While jumping jacks on the wet field of grass,
Jacques Derrida chants, "There is no out-text."

Looking back at the swiftly running horse,
I shout in wind that blows over wet grass,
"There is no running horse outside the text
that describes idea of the running horse."

The running horse vanishes in the wind,
then the piece of paper floats in my hand.

Sitting in the Cave of Shadows with Plato,
Jacques gestures hands so shadow-puppets play,
then laughs while he consumes pages from books,
"Out of his texts, there is no more Derrida."

I run to the horse that stands by the lake
and give her apple so we eat together.

Though all real horses vanish from the world,
eternal Idea of the Running Horse
persists in Realm of Possibility,
forever running in Heaven of Dreams.

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