
Sunday, January 20, 2019

Keeper Of The Sacred Pipe

Keeper Of The Sacred Pipe
© Surazeus
2019 01 20

Marching before Lincoln Memorial,
Nathan Phillips, Elder of Omaha,
inspired by spirit of his wife Shoshana,
beats drum and chants the Spell of the Crow Fair
to lead his people in song of the Earth
that vibrates clear from land of Onatah.

Chanting, "We are the Spirit of the Earth,"
the Keeper of the Sacred Pipe stands tall
before the man who broke the chains of slaves,
and calls for equal rights of every human
who shares this country sea to shining sea,
together on our land of Onatah.

Gazing beyond time at the pure White Whole,
the strong warrior who fought in Vietnam
and Water Protector at Standing Rock,
leads the people of his heart to proclaim,
"We all dance together in sacred hills,
one human tribe on land of Onatah."

Gang of young Anglo boys wearing red hats,
that read Make America Great Again,
surround the Native American Elder
and chant enraged, "Build the wall! Build the wall!"
but he faces them with calm dignity,
wise Love Wizard for land of Onatah.

Standing before people of America,
Nathan says, "I sing for freedom of all,
though they shouted in my face, Build the wall,
for my people lived here ten thousand years
on sacred land with no prisons or walls,
united tribes on land of Onatah."

Spreading both hands to Eternal Blue Sky,
the Keeper of the Sacred Pipe proclaims,
"We take care of our elders and our children,
so I wish I could see energy of boys
channeled into making our country great,
for we all share this land of Onatah."

The angry boys who try to build high wall
enclosing sacred fields of Wakanta
flee into the shadows of their dark fears
while honest people of America
hold hands and follow Nathan in new prayer
to protect our shared land of Onatah.

Marching before Lincoln Memorial,
Nathan Phillips, Elder of Omaha,
inspired by spirit of his wife Shoshana,
beats drum and chants the Spell of the Crow Fair
to lead his people in song of the Earth
that vibrates clear from land of Onatah.

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