
Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Dark Suicide Wood

Dark Suicide Wood
© Surazeus
2025 01 01

Still wandering nowhere in Suicide Wood, 
Saron slogs slough of despond in despair 
that he will ever find the true way out 
till he realizes following the sun 
leads him in circles, so he sits and waits, 
then walks toward where the sun rises at dawn. 

Stumbling awkwardly onto higher ground, 
mud-slathered feet jolted on jumbled rocks, 
Saron shouts with joy at the silver clouds 
that glimmer indifferently, yet amused, 
as he washes face clean in trickling stream 
that splashes down cliff of slime-covered rocks. 

As he ascends mountain of whispering mist, 
hand over hand in struggle to climb high, 
he glances down at valley of the swamp 
to study landscape of hell he escaped, 
then across to the plain of jagged rocks 
where he got lost in dark Suicide Wood. 

The guide who lead him lost on the wrong path, 
while telling him he knows the way to Heaven 
where they can work as angels earning coins 
delivering message scrolls for ministers, 
sank down into quicksand up to his waist, 
then vanished screaming as he writhed in vain. 

After winding around the mountain bulk 
on narrow pathway in dark tangled woods, 
hiding to avoid leopards, bears, and wolves, 
Saron arrive at last before before gold gates 
where bearded man in white robe asks his name, 
so he shows name token molded in brass. 

Inspecting token for authentic sign, 
Hadraniel opens gate of gleaming gems, 
so Saron walks wide avenue of trees 
past palaces on flat-top pyramids 
toward the great ziggurat of thirteen levels 
that looms huge as clan hill of apple trees. 

Pausing by pool before the ziggurat, 
Saron watches with calm admiring awe 
as Elohim ministers in white robes, 
and wearing gold crowns encrusted with gems, 
climb long stairway past guards with spears and wolves, 
to enter temple where El rules the world. 

After struggling through filthy swamp of hell 
and climbing jagged mountain of desire, 
Saron wanders the shining streets of gold, 
lost in the fabulous city of Heaven, 
till he falls asleep by tall apple tree 
and dreams about the serpent with red eyes. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus watches young man wandering lost in Heaven, remembering the first time he arrived years ago to attend Academy of Lyric Bards.
