Pass So Many Souls © Surazeus 2025 01 07 "I pass so many souls on road of life, yet illusion you are still by my side after so many years of wandering lost inspires my heart to keep searching for you alive as someone else in this wide world." Kathy stops in the middle of the crowd. "There are so many unique human beings, yet each one passing by on road of life always remains another nameless stranger whose entire complex life of hopes and dreams happens outside scope of my searching eyes." Kathy holds the new camera in her hands. "What is the name your mother gave to you? Where were you born, how far have you gone now, how far will you go, and where will you die? What do you want to do with your short life, and have you succeeded, or have you failed?" Kathy takes no photos of anyone. "You are all ghosts, half visible in light of hopeless love, in silence passing by on endless road of life that leads nowhere, so I must laugh at this absurdity that drives me to care for each one of you." Kathy gazes in their eyes with wordless hope. "Just one person, out of billions alive this vibrant hour on spinning globe of hope, is destined to stop and look in my eyes, and we will both, at that bright moment, know we will merge our souls in passion of love." Kathy watches thousands walk back and forth. "We met when we were students full of hope that we will play dramatic roles in life, talking about the great accomplishments we would contribute to the greater good, eager to make this world better for all." Kathy blushes at the passions of youth. "I have never understood in my heart what misunderstanding drove us apart, what disagreement on methods of faith fractured bond of trust, so we both got lost in useless rituals of futility." Kathy wants to walk some different path. "I feel my spirit fragment into parts so countless mindless clones break off from me and live separate lives of fulfilled desire while I stand here alone and paralyzed with vain hope we find each other again." Kathy continues walking in the faceless crowd.
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse.
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Pass So Many Souls
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Orpheus sees Kathy standing alone in the flowing city crowd, but she ignores him as she walks nowhere with unused camera in her hands.