
Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Habitat For Zarathia

Habitat For Zarathia
© Surazeus
2025 01 07

From smoking ruins of our nation rise 
new republic where all share equal rights, 
Zarathia our land of Liberty 
where unity and justice make us free. 
Liberty, raise your Torch of Freedom high 
to light all who live in Zarathia. 

Parading slow beside Riderless Horse, 
Loyal Soldier with truth-perceiving eyes 
pays homage to Wise Man who ruled our land 
with generous wisdom of his crafting hand. 
Liberty, write his name and noble deeds 
in book that chronicles Zarathia. 

Above stately dome of the Capitol 
the Hidden Dragon glides on Phoenix wings 
to shed her blessing on our fertile land 
that blooms from carnage of cruel tyranny. 
Liberty, strike the tyrant from our state 
to bless well-earned fate of Zarathia. 

Let freedom ring from every mountain side 
when people dedicated to the truth 
oppose dictatorship of oligarchs 
by building homes where everyone lives safe. 
Liberty, with Hammer of Honesty 
build safe habitat for Zarathia. 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus directs choir at state funeral of the Wise Man who once ruled the land with compassion to sing new national anthem of Zarathia.
