
Tuesday, January 7, 2025

You Cannot Force Love

You Cannot Force Love
© Surazeus
2025 01 07

"This sense of foreboding that always hangs 
black as rainclouds over vale of my heart 
fuels flames of energy that drive my soul 
to strive against despair with cheerful voice 
proclaiming vision I wish to make real 
with attentive action of my crafting hands." 

Leucetius roasts fish on the altar stone 
under roof of the small four-pillared fane 
on sturdy outcrop above the wild sea 
where lightning flashes over surging waves 
and weaves bright precepts of truth in his eyes 
which he hides as whispers in plum tree leaves. 

"When I gaze in eyes of this man I love," 
Nemetona frowns while gathering plums 
from trees blooming along the Rhenus River, 
"I perceive uncanny spirit of faith 
flashing bright as lightning deep in his mind, 
so I cannot read inscrutable thoughts." 

Grabbing her arm as she collects ripe plums, 
Moccus declares with intense voice of hope, 
"I love sweet beauty of your graceful soul, 
thus, as son of clever Mercurius, 
I offer you crown to rule as my queen 
for I will always bring fresh boar to eat." 

"You cannot force love from my loyal heart 
already assigned to Leucetius," 
Nemetona declares, and tries to free 
her body from greedy groping hands, 
"so obey your mother Sedatia 
who taught you to respect personal rights." 

Growling in rage that she resists his lust, 
Moccus grabs spear with sharp-honed blade of bronze 
and rushes toward Leucetius in his fane 
whose sense of foreboding jolts him alert, 
so he twirls just in time to evade death 
when ghost of his father Mars shields his heart. 

"Since she refuses my offer of love 
because you are superior," Moccus sneers, 
"then I will erase your soul from this Earth 
to elevate my status in your stead," 
then lunges fast to thrust spear in his heart, 
but Nemetona throws stone at his head. 

After crushing his skull with stone of justice, 
Nemetona stands before man she loves, 
her white gown splattered with blood of resolve, 
and kisses his mouth with passionate joy, 
then gazes in his bright eyes and declares, 
"I belong to no one on Earth but you." 

1 comment:

  1. Orpheus helps Leucetius roast the boar on the altar, then they celebrate his wedding with Nemetona while everyone dances in the lightning storm.
