One With Essence Of Life © Surazeus 2025 01 08 Through global faith in anti-gravity Tarhunna crosses Bridge of Agony to prevail against despair of desire that shimmers from silent suburban lawns with wordless angst of psychic energy to achieve grand deeds for the national good. While floating above the Earth without wings, to cast sunlight on faces of the lost, Warinna dreams flowers bloom from our graves so atoms of our bodies become petals attracting honey bees with pleasant scent suffusing land from our Mother of Light. Standing on tall pyramid of state power, Warinna sings exquisite melody of heart-enchanting passion that excites hearts of worshippers gathered on the plain whose minds soar high with lofty aspirations as she gives each soul gold coin of her face. Striding boldly forward with faith-sharp sword, Tarhunna fights aggressive thieves of time to stop enslavement of all citizens who gather round high pyramid of power and sets tired prisoners free from gold mines who bitterly lament loss of their freedom. Teaching her daughter Mezulla to sing hymns praising deeds of thunder-wielding god, who struts on stage before the cheering crowd, Warinna plays lyre that causes smooth stones to float and compose walls of paradise when she constructs grand temple of desire. Roaming landscape of the world with honed sword, Tarhunna searches cities with sharp eyes to find cases where tyrants grasp control to manipulate how people perceive essential nature of material objects so we become one with essence of life. Each time he finds some petty self-crowned king oppressing the same people he should serve, Tarhunna faces him with just intent to arrest his arrogant exploitation then educate people with natural laws to understand how conscious insight grows. Gathering with citizens of their nation, Tarhunna hosts grand banquet of good food where everyone feasts with equality, while Warinna plays lyre of Mercury and sings sublime melodies of despair with haunting voice that inspires all with love. #Poetry #Poem #Pastoral #Necropastoral #MetaModernism #MetaRomanticism #NewSublmity #NewRomanticism #AmericanDream #Cinemism #Existentialism #Surrealism #NegativeCapability #NewGnosticism #MetaRealism #NewTranscendentalism #Astarism
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse.
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
One With Essence Of Life
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Orpheus performs epic poem Descent of Inanna for the banquet in the grand hall hosted by Tarhunna and Warinna.