
Sunday, June 28, 2015

Flag Of Slavery

Flag Of Slavery
© Surazeus
2015 06 28

After four hundred years of sweat and tears,
of one race slaving at the will of another,
subservient to their commands and whips,
growing rich crops and building fancy homes,
Liberty fights back with strong hand of justice
on the glorious day when Bree climbs a flagpole
and tears down the vile flag of slavery.

Long after four years of bloody civil war
defeated states rights of arrogant men
to own other people and make them work
without pay to increase their obscene wealth,
Liberty fights back with strong hand of justice
on the glorious day when Bree climbs a flagpole
and tears down the vile flag of slavery.

After one hundred fifty years of work
to establish equal civil rights as law
for every man and woman who works hard
to earn deserved pay for talent and skill,
Liberty fights back with strong hand of justice
on the glorious day when Bree climbs a flagpole
and tears down the vile flag of slavery.

As we gather before capitol house
in every state from sea to shining sea
to demand strong reign of justice and truth
over men who exploit others for wealth,
Liberty fights back with strong hand of justice
on the glorious day when Bree climbs a flagpole
and tears down the vile flag of slavery.

1 comment:

  1. Well done! Poetry that calls for, and celebrates justice.
