Voices Of The Ancient Dead © Surazeus 2024 03 31 Clear voices of the people in the past echo down the endless labyrinth of time through the lamentations and blasphemies their hearts repeat across ten thousand years in each small temple and grand citadel which I detect as whisper of their fears. Almost faded in breeze outside my door, heart-broken cries of sorrow from the past penetrate my spirit with sudden breath that wakes their dim dream of desperate hope in startled consciousness of my new mind so I hold their thoughts trembling in my hand. With growing awareness of bitter pain so many people of the constant past suffered in silence of confident faith I study seething passions of their hearts recorded in fragments of elegies they wrote in letters of stark sentences. Across perpetual waves of flowing time their thoughts encoded in visions of truth translate amorphous feelings of their minds in arcane thought-rhymes of parallel verse reflecting illogical sparkle of love that motivates our project to survive. Alone on sunlit Mount Takoma peak, which mirrors Parnassus and Helicon as holy space where Muses inspire seers, I hear these voices of people long dead who lived on Earth the past ten thousand years swirl around me in wild cacophony. Through alchemy of souls in diamond eyes, encased in sun-bright ice stone of our minds, I translate voices of the ancient dead to heart-enchanting spells of thrilling tales that might inspire with visions of success lonely souls who wander in the waste land. Thus brave spell-casters with poetic spark forge new word-riddles in prophetic poems as polished lens for kaleidoscope eyes to focus attention of curious minds on ever-shifting puzzle of the truth that conjures virtual model of the world. Clear voices of people on Earth today resonate through harmony of intent with voices of the people in the past as we join global choir of mortal souls to sing heart-aching elegy of faith that people of tomorrow understand.
Surazeus Astarius Συράζευς Αστάριος. Cartographer. Epic Poet. Hermead epic poem about Philosophers 126,680 lines of blank verse. http://tinyurl.com/AstarianScriptures
Sunday, March 31, 2024
Voices Of The Ancient Dead
Blue Beauty Of Lilacs
Blue Beauty Of Lilacs © Surazeus 2024 03 31 Though my words map strange journey of my fate, I grow into weird person I design who hides behind plain story of my soul so people see the myth and not the man who sits on quiet Sunday afternoons and dreams his family safe in walls of hope. Though false blue beauty of lilacs reflects deep color of our ancient homeland sky, I walk in misty woods of timeless hope to watch young orioles hop on eager wings in backyard of my home where lilacs bloom from graves of nameless kings who rule no land. Though elms shade streets of little crowded shops where laughing children buy marbles and kites, ghost of the prophet who foretells our doom walks slowly over distant hills of stone to find abandoned home where I was born, and smell blue lilacs blooming from my grave. Though wind blows hair of lovers by the lake who eat green grapes and cheddar cheese with bread on white sand of the beach where waves gleam clear, I watch them choose to share romantic love that overflows their hearts with awkward joy as they kiss in the yard where lilacs bloom. Though blue lilacs first in the dooryard bloom, I listen to song of the midnight star to celebrate ever-returning spring that urges souls with passion to express desire to rise from helpless ache of love since all we cherish will perish in war. Though harsh surrounding clouds weep in despair at unjust death of millions who deserve to pursue happiness of their pure hearts, I free my soul with painful offering at vision that each new-born child of time is miracle of life transformed from death. Though sacred Death walks ever by my side as I explore strange mystery of this world, I glow with passionate desire to live while we hold hands in cool transparent night to change our woe into pleasure of love as we create life to transcend our death. Though solitary thrush hidden in woods warbles ancient song of desire for life, we seek lost graves of people killed in wars to write their names in hundred thousand books that crowd blue shelves of vast library halls where lilacs bloom from sorrow of their words.
Rolling Stone Of Truth
Rolling Stone Of Truth © Surazeus 2024 03 31 Through dire prediction of the laughing crow I know how to drive the alphabet car when I race Pluto in the maze of myths to find Holy Grail for Persephone who stars in movie of Marie Curie still glowing with radiation of fame. Wandering around the music festival, past quaint shops of ice cream and abstract art, I try to text my wife on the eye-phone to meet at Dionysus Theater but I get trapped by the arrogant mime who tries to show me secret of true love. The weird way sunlight gleams in leafy oaks inspires ecstatic vision of rebirth when children of the crownless king are born with vibrant passion of life-spinning Earth that generates our bodies from desire, transforming us from chemicals of thought. Sitting at small round table made of glass, my family orders sandwiches and soup while the saddest jester in the whole world strums guitar and sings heart-breaking blues about the orphan boy from Tennessee who builds insurance empire from our loss. Aware of civil wars in distant lands where nations kill each other for wheat fields, I propose marriage to Persephone who sits alone beneath the willow tree to chat with swans about world politics, then tells me why the church is built on lies. If we hold hands with shy alacrity, blushing with bold hope to walk road of life across the waste land of hostility, Queen of the Underworld and I discuss clever strategies to overcome strife while raising autistic son Sisyphus. Laughing on the peak of Mount Helicon, Sisyphus sends the rolling stone of truth tumbling down toward the statue with clay feet that smashes pride of Ozymandias, who crowns himself King of America, and dissipates illusion of his power. If I swim fast enough in sea of dreams I might escape the Jonah whale of fate, yet I must prophesy in riddling code second coming of our messiah sleuth as hidden dragon rising from our hearts who founds world empire of the laughing crow.
Saturday, March 30, 2024
Believe In Americanity
Believe In Americanity © Surazeus 2024 03 30 I believe in Americanity, sacred religion of democracy sung by mad troubadours of city streets who lounge in the grass on the river shore and ride with Death in the carriage of faith sea to shining sea in the Promised Land. I believe in Americanity, religion of free will in liberty sung by the witch in Massachusetts woods who teaches Lucifer how to chant spells while strumming old guitar of Mercury as her uncanny voice wails in moonlight. I believe in Americanity, weird religion of the spell-chanting snake sung by the First Mother of humanity who eats fruit of wisdom from Tree of Life then leads her children in waste land of fear to mystic carnival of Wonderland. I believe in Americanity, world religion of equal rights for all sung by sly jester from the iron hills who plays tambourine on the windy beach with crackling riddles of the radio voice to translate wisdom blowing in the wind. I believe in Americanity, world religion of Lucy in the sky sung by the Carpenter of Avalon who leads lost children to strawberry fields and teaches us to see our crazy world with flashing kaleidoscope eyes of God. I believe in Americanity, dream religion of the cool hippie seer sung by the wild dancing skeleton bear who bears staff of Moses to break the rock and floats above the television screen with hypnotic eyes of the buddha toad. I believe in Americanity, fake religion of the Quaker graveyard sung by the owl-eyed Boston sage of jokes who confesses madness of helpless love for Venus rising from the sea of ghosts who gives birth to the star-eyed spider queen. I believe in Americanity, pure religion from poetry of truth sung by the red-haired sorceress of love who conjures Ariel from substanceless blue to cast illusions of beautiful terror that wakes our hearts with dream of ecstasy.
Mad Prophet Of Fame
Mad Prophet Of Fame © Surazeus 2024 03 30 Gold sun that gleams in oaks of my backyard plays tricks on flashing circuits of my brain that sparks bright timeless hour of my childhood fifty one years ago when I was eight living in the small hilly Texas town haunted by blind ghost of the cowboy clown. That world of hippies and the Vietnam war that gleams around me in the cars and trees has vanished in daze of the purple haze to nothing more than television show children watch on Saturday afternoon that documents the prophet troubadour. Long after ghost of the prophet passed by along the railroad tracks outside of town, toting guitar forged by devils of Hell into machine that kills fascists and fools, I follow with my red guitar painted black to sing at dawn on Miami beach sand. Awake with spirit of the rolling stone that animates the mad prophet of fame, I stand on street corners in nameless towns on lonesome highways sea to shining sea and sing the sorrows of the aching heart that tumbles from sore hands of Sisyphus. When I arrive with lyre of Mercury to face three-headed demon of my fear, I tell the girl riding carriage of Death that I have come to rescue her from Hell, so she requests I sing uncanny spell that helps her follow Light of Liberty. Driving my long green Mercury sedan from maze of Manhattan through fields of wheat, high over Rocky Mountains past the moon, I glide along faded Oregon Trail to star in movies down in Hollywood with shy daughter of Marilyn Monroe. Performing folk songs in the circus tent with the blind midget and the bearded lady, I sing ancient tales of heroes and kings who sail for home lost on the wine-dark sea to folk in cowboy hats and gingham skirts who pray for salvation from nuclear bombs. Sitting on back porch in hill town of Athens, I play guitar and make up new folk songs about lost people of America while mad robin I named Achilles pecks at locked chamber door of Charles Baudelaire who drives white pickup to fish at the lake.
Fracture Of The Sky
Fracture Of The Sky © Surazeus 2024 03 30 Weird thunder that fractures the evening sky is not the thunder of my beating heart, so I catch fruit that falls from trembling trees and give them to sad strangers passing by on signless road to find the Promised Land where bones of their ancestors sing to them. The days we have left living on this Earth contract and expand our conscious respect because we measure distance to the sun who pierces our hearts with passion to live when other people attack us with hate so we are forced to kill them to survive. I read ancient history of humankind written in dust of the road where I walk, so I look up at clouds that shine with hope that I may find some way to live with pride by fighting against oppressors and thieves, inspired by principle of liberty. While standing over bodies of the dead, people who dwelled in village of my heart and played special roles in drama of life, I tell the fruit trees stories of their lives while I erase them from dream of this world when I bury them in heart of the Earth. Fierce love that surges from my broken heart flows through crack in world view of my faith so I make myself window to the world with bold belief that children lost in time will find their way back home to live with me with treasures of their dreams in open hands. We choose to live where the wild horses run with frolicking joy in groves of fruit trees that sprout from hills wet with tears of the sun, so we share joy of racing with the wind beyond false boundaries of nations kings carve with swords that divide families in cruel war. We are not birds who can fly above fear and see our troubles with observant eyes to analyze our lives with code of love while soft rain from the distant past reveals beauty of the world we see when we wake to understand how we can live with courage. Yet memories of our hours feasting with joy shine bright as stars in starless gloom of war so we can steer our way with cautious faith through storms of social upheaval toward peace that we create with generous hands of love, working to repair fracture of the sky.
Friday, March 29, 2024
These Hands We Use
These Hands We Use © Surazeus 2024 03 29 These hands we use to manipulate time are secret of our ability to speak because we grasp with curiosity objects of material our eyes perceive so we can study nature of their being, then communicate thoughts our minds envision. As long-fingered cat leaping in dark woods I climb up giant sprawling web of vines to escape snarling jaws of mad-eyed wolf, and glide through trees one hundred million years, grasping limbs to feast on pungent fruit, then swing on vines to fly high without wings. Gliding through trees Guilin to Africa, we transform from cat to long-handed monkey able to grasp sticks and stones with strong thumbs which allows us to manipulate things while humming passionate joy in our hearts as we gather in dream cave by the sea. With stubby tail I cannot swing in trees so I descend to swim in swirling waves where I snatch wriggling fish with clenching fist then roast it over crackling flames of light while standing on two legs of confidence to reach my hands for untouchable stars. Dancing upright with divine breath of hope, we leap on two legs in shallow sea waves with buoyant passion of attentive faith, remaining tall with balance of two arms we spread as wings to walk on river shores when we explore horizon of our eyes. Plucking mushrooms from cow dung on flat plains, we eat sweet manna that sprouts after rain which beams conceptual visions of thought forms in pulsing sphere of rainbows in our eyes which conjures virtual model of the world that we express with humming breath of sound. With soft vibrating tones of phonic thought we designate each object we perceive, whole quality that defines measured being, and action we perform with conscious force, by speaking sentence of conceptual words in language we express with humming tongue. Through action of grasping things with our hands we invent with divine breath of conscious faith language binding objects with phonic sounds to act as metaphors that carry thought mind to mind so we can communicate intelligent wisdom through poetry.
Search For One Face
Search For One Face © Surazeus 2024 03 29 When I cover odd mirror of my mind I mean to forget state of my soul to remember dead ancestors I feel alive in dreams when moonlight tends my life so I will echo progress of their lives for they diminish as I grow with love. Encased in symbol of artistic will that misdirects cruel attention of Death, my soul performs psychic role of its fate designed by genes that survive evolution when each ancestral pair regenerates new body that conjures my conscious mind. Awake in glow of sunlight on mute hills with immortal flame of life in my heart, I gaze at flat blank stone on river shore where tales of life all my ancestors wrote appear as gleaming runes of magic spells that describe laws of wisdom I express. Poised stern on flat top of the pyramid with vibrant pulse of rivers in my heart, I watch the many fragments of my soul perform their parts in ritual of desire as we extract food from flesh of the Earth that nourishes our bodies with starlight. Aroused with passion to generate life that flows through conduit of my fragile body, I seek the strangest person in the world who mirrors not obsessions of my fears so we merge opposing forces of hope, combining our features in new-born soul. Revealing mirror of immortal mind that reflects ghosts of my ancestral brains, I search for one face that combines their faces in mask I wear to perceive my true soul that throbs with passion of galactic stars to mold weird features of my character. This weird persona mask of self I wear, molded by fate from choices I express, radiates delusion of secret desire so people see illusion of my soul they want to see that veils authentic self who wanders lost on signless road of hope. I uncover odd mirror of my mind in vain attempt to see with piercing eyes real spirit born from surging sea of faith who animates this wild chemical form through which immortal soul of my genes lives this temporary flash of conscious joy.
Thursday, March 28, 2024
Theology Of Beautiful Lies
Theology Of Beautiful Lies © Surazeus 2024 03 28 Stars always seem to know how I should feel as if their pulsing passion from prime thought beams through my brain cells in weird words of truth which animates my body with pure love to generate new life from flame of death that glows through darkness of eternity. While people dance with pulse of energy in crowded bar that swirls with divine breath preserved in grapes from sunlit drops above, I scribble profound thoughts in secret booth in book of riddles my first girlfriend bought to formulate new world view of the real. What dangers threaten our togetherness we overcome with loyalty of trust that binds our bodies with spirit of faith unraveled by blind Fate with seven eyes who weaves new wings for us to fly with hope toward Wonderland built by the River Styx. Disarmed by endless games of politics between prophets who teach mankind to cope with theology of beautiful lies, I accept harsh finality of death as temporary soul forged from stardust who wears theatric mask of Sisyphus. I push my rolling stone of liberty with manic courage of the half-blind fool up to ice-slick peak of Mount Helicon so when it tumbles toward Mount Ararat its justice will crush statue of King Midas whose fall creates Hell in waste land of Earth. When I discover secret of rebirth encoded in sacred book that will guide us on noble quest to live as democrat, I campaign to play Sage of Avalon by founding castle to run magic school where I teach laws of private property. So I join my friends in the quaint cafe to eat beef hamburgers and drink root beer then chat about poetics we employ to write dream spells of computer brain code that beam visions about the universe in minds of readers who worship the Truth. Trapped by my fate to play messiah sleuth in every version of our multiverse, I hitchhike with guitar on signless road to marry beautiful Helen of Troy on Oregon Trail as last pioneer destined to preside over Judgment Day.
Hymn Of Sacred Love
Hymn Of Sacred Love © Surazeus 2024 03 28 Birth of my winged heart from sea of eyes occurs each year on this auspicious day four hundred million years since dawn of time when first mother rises from lake of dreams to pluck ripe fruit from humming tree of life then teaches me to sing what I perceive. When I enter secret cave of illusions to search for ring that gives me angel wings, so I can fly above vast maze of myths, I see ghost of my soul gazing at me from infinite depths in Mirror of Truth who pulls me into labyrinth of my fears. With heaving breath from lust of Sisyphus I run toward light at far end of the tunnel while strumming lyre of Orpheus as I chant spells to lure my bride from depths of despair till we emerge from underworld of death and stand surprised in joy of morning light. When she steps over threshold of her tomb bearing box Pandora made from her skull, long-slumbering spirit of the apple tree stirs awake from diamond of the First Flash and swirls with eerie music of lost love to welcome her home from the wilderness. Gazing in my eyes with galactic mind from eyes black as the full moon in oak trees, she asks me if I know how everything replicates from first flash of the big bang, and if I feel in deepest dreams of faith soul of the Prime Mover who dreams it all. As we gaze up at the bright Milky Way that arches high around life-spinning Earth, I feel glow deep in each cell of my brain insistent pulse of light which animates expression of my will through conscious force as we progress on road of life we pave. Erecting signs with names of ancient souls at crossroads where many signless roads meet, I designate attention for our quest that guides how we choose our fate with free will by asserting our perception of hope along the sacred way to Wonderland. To celebrate the birthday of my wife we gather in Stonehenge in gold moonlight to hear the Fairy Queen of Avalon sing heart-enchanting hymn of sacred love while Mercury plays lyre of psychic vibes and Earth continues spinning in the void.
Wednesday, March 27, 2024
Mortal Nameless I
Mortal Nameless I © Surazeus 2024 03 27 This happiness that conjugates my brain with fractured pieces of the puzzling world expands perception of the silent rain beyond limiting bounds of the tangled word which threads my body with ancestral souls who teach me how to play their social roles. Since Earth is house of stories I design from light stretched round galactic wheel of fate, I journey deep in woods with hope to find mushrooms and eggs my mind can cogitate with laughing wisdom of amusing thought that mirrors universe my words have wrought. This sorrowness that deconstructs my view of how this universe flashes from light in beams of conscious love based on weird clue still tricks me with veil of Plutonian night to think I am immortal god who knows fractal concept which forges mind that glows. Since Earth is cave of visions I accept as startling prophecy reflecting time, I carve dream spells on emerald tablet kept safe deep in maze of myths that cannot rhyme with riddles children chant on city streets to tease brave warriors stuck on battle fleets. This ecstasy that transforms how I think bound in spatial zone of narrative code augments perceptive focus of each blink with pulsing vigor that denotes the road which leads me to core of our empire state where Death reigns as the god we correlate. Since Earth is book of legends I perform through project to reclassify all things, I analyze how atoms tone sea storm with psychic melody of faith that rings compacting spirals from galactic eye in which God dreams this mortal nameless I. This agony that reprograms my soul to play weird character of divine power reanimates my passion for this role, I wear as mask on stage in global tower from which I fall to fly on robust wings with graceful arrogance of humble kings. Since Earth is dream of spirits I reflect to mirror immortal soul of my genes through temporary person I project, I organize memories with time machines in rambling fable that deceives your eyes to think I am your God in empty skies.
Ghost Of My Sorrow
Ghost Of My Sorrow © Surazeus 2024 03 27 This morning in the dreary mist of dawn, while I design virtual model of Earth in maps with stories of the human race, suddenly I hear ruthless tapping sound as if someone raps at my locked front door, as if ghost of my sorrow haunts my heart. Stark silver glow of clouds above tall oaks erases shadows from my quiet home while I make model of life-spinning Earth that imitates unchanging state of peace as if Death stalks not people of the world, as if ghost of my sorrow seeks my hope. I ponder as I tend lush river shore if angel from heaven with scroll of truth, or demon from hell with wand of deception, seeks entrance to calm haven of my heart, as if Despair mocks my hope for world peace, as if ghost of my sorrow thirsts for faith. Then I recall two days ago at noon some robin guarding empty nest of faith began to perch on back deck rail of rage to attack its reflection in bay window, as if to drive off rival of its love, as if ghost of my sorrow fights its fear. I wonder then with sly ironic sneer if that fierce robin tapping at my door would fly inside with wings of Icarus and perch on ghostly idol of Athena, as if it comes from grim Plutonian shore, as if ghost of my sorrow understands. Then I imagine how with wings of flame the robin tapping at my locked front door would speak with chthonian voice of bitter truth that man invents God to enforce his will, as if it sees through civil mask of pride, as if ghost of my sorrow knows our minds. I would the robin tapping at my door bring news that men with just hearts work for good to fight the thief who would crown himself king when we unite to guard democracy, as if to warn us our empire may fall, as if ghost of my sorrow calls for freedom. The robin perched on idol of Athena glares down at me from swirling mist of fear, so I soar high on wings of Icarus with message of Earendil for the world, as if I trust democracy prevails, as if ghost of my sorrow spurs my soul.
Tuesday, March 26, 2024
Worship The Golden Car
Worship The Golden Car © Surazeus 2024 03 26 Empty white bowl on table of the mind waits for rain of memories to redesign how gray clouds glow in the late evening sky with desperate passion of the insane crow that glares at me with lightning-fractured eye as he pecks at locked front door of my home. Toy rifle in hands of the running boy designates brave courage of the empire that conquers the world in the name of truth and sends fierce soldiers to fight to the death who return home to commodify joy they sell in stores to people of desire. Great city shining on the hill of skulls becomes center of social gravity that draws from country towns into its core broken-hearted people who escape schools eager to build towers of liberty where they bow and worship the Golden Car. White turtle crawling on the signless road might be supreme deity of the stars disguised as lowly animal men fear when they gather in Temple of the Toad but call each other on the telephone to purchase stock shares of the rolling stone. We attempt to organize with blind eyes new disassembled puzzle of the world according to strange ideology of national faith in theology that all we believe is programmed by spies who work secretly for the cosmic herald. Trudging down narrow trail of scattered phones, I search for oldest woman in the world somewhere deep in Grand Canyon of the heart who determines our fates with her star chart according to how the dragon lies curled when young couples apply for mortgage loans. I wake as incarnation of rune god named Odin who stands on ruins of time staring at millions of mute faceless souls driven mad by hunger for clever rhyme when they wander lost without social roles, abandoned to death by the justice squad. When cargo ship of state loaded with dreams, we sell each other in exchange for faith, collides with frail Bridge of Forgetfulness, our broken bodies fall in gushing streams that carry us to Sea of Happiness where we drown in eyeball of the God Wraith.
Understand Soul Of Nature
Understand Soul Of Nature © Surazeus 2024 03 26 Sometimes driven away from homes we built by greedy men who grasp at dirt and air, and sometimes choosing to escape the past from valleys that imprison us in fear, we always travel with fire in our minds and our hearts swollen with ambitious wind. Just for the sake of leaving what I lost I leave to search for knowledge of the world by redesigning fortune of my fate for treasure in abyss of the unknown with glad heart of the traveler who knows no land can forever be our safe home. Once I find my mind stuck in old routines, attacking shadow of my darkest fears I see in window of eternity, I turn around and walk the signless road with hunger in my heart for liberty to leave endless strangeness behind my way. Lured to land of strange sweetness with desire by music of the faun among dark trees, I leave the Sea of Darkness to ascend Mountain of Truth where dancing muses sing about miraculous beauty of life because our ultimate freedom is death. The child in me who once studied old maps to understand the nature of our world now travels on the endless road of hope to map the unknown places yet unseen where we befriended horses by the lake and shared apples in the afternoon sun. Though the world seems infinitely huge with countless river valleys among hills shrouded by forests where animals roam, I try to enclose its beautiful space with finite exploration of my feet drawn within encyclopedia of truth. Imaginary lands of ancient tales where gods and heroes performed tragic roles vanish in morning mist of the bright sun that reveals real world of organic beings who live and die in endless game of hope as we transform into children of love. If we ever return to homes we lost, traveling backward on roads of the past, we might meet ghosts of ancestors who wait to reveal confusing riddles of fate, so we continue forward to the future as we seek to understand soul of Nature.
Monday, March 25, 2024
Shadow Of His Own Fear
Shadow Of His Own Fear © Surazeus 2024 03 25 The male robin flies at the window pane to chase away fierce rival of his love by attacking shadow of his own fear. Strange image of my face that I perceive living in opposite world of the mirror enjoys fame and success that kills the Muse. The goose that flies across the lonely sky brings letters from lost family of my heart whose words swirl away as leaves in cold wind. Though cities of men are destroyed in war rivers still flow down mountains of the Earth as flowers bloom through ruins of our homes. Blossoms from cherry trees and apple trees scatter our tears across lush city lawns where children play chase while their parents chat. Cry of the raven in the mist-veiled oak startles my heart with sorrow of despair while I am fishing in dim evening dusk. The homeless who wander on signless roads with grief that blows as wind in ravaged trees search for their shadows in the Promised Land. Elusive happiness of gardens glows brief hour of late evening on unlocked doors till shadows of clouds erase the full moon. The hawk that slowly circles empty skies describes the river where I wander lost past spiderwebs that gleam with morning dew. Old woman weaving my fate on her loom entangles my thread with soul of the world so I feel sorrow from billions of hearts. On crowded planet with billions of souls I stand alone in shadow of the sun till I disappear in silence of hills. At some point in my journey round the world I will fall in deep pool of nothingness and float with leaves on slow current of time. Awake where river-country mountains loom, I pass through shadows of forgotten worlds, heart empty as clouds drifting in blind wind. Wounded by mute indifference of the world, I continue walking the wasteland road with nothing but grief as sweet fruit to eat. Floating with the gull between clouds and hills, I evade soul-killing sickness of fame to lounge by river of the endless song. When my body crumbles into the soil and my spirit dissipates in the wind I will become ripe fruit that sings to you now.
Sunday, March 24, 2024
Weird Religious Cult
Weird Religious Cult © Surazeus 2024 03 24 The traveler who maps the signless road across the wilderness of windy hope lifts up their eyes to know the world is wide with beauty of the ideal scene through hype because they know no land is theirs to claim, even if they label it with their name. We are but fragile flame of spirit breath that sprouts from soil and eats conceptual bread, then disappears in restless winds of faith more sweet than tangy taste of marmalade that leaves us lost in confusion of right, mind blinded by strange darkness of the light. Full golden moon that gleams in web of limbs to sharpen focus of fear-drunken wits reveals strange face in solitary pool who offers frantic puzzle of the book with shocking obfuscation we deny despite our desperate need to invent why. Throughout confusing drama of my life I only meet strange spirits out of time who try to control my body and mind, but I find in my heart pure flame of love that guides me through vast city maze of doom while I type visions in my empty room. Engaged in rites of weird religious cult where prophets compete to ride the wild colt, I paint letters of psalms on temple walls describing demons who crawl from deep wells with sacred spells on scrolls of secret names that appoint who plays political games. Behind each moment of my waking hours memories of my ancestors cased in spores sprout into visions glowing in my brain that program how I perceive each new scene in which I replay actions of their fates to swerve aside and open different gates. My ghost appears before me in the door when I head out to drive gas engine car in search for Holy Grail in maze of myths in vain attempt to navigate lost paths which I decide to map when I get lost so the yet-born may know what truth must cost. The traveler who gives free books to the town explains contrary puzzle of the known so anyone who wants to earn world fame can prophesy how humans evade doom, yet in the morning we all go to work, assisting program of the Cosmic Clerk.
Forge The New World
Forge The New World © Surazeus 2024 03 24 My ghost is strolling down the avenue, cheerfully waving to the faceless souls who buy plastic toys in corporate stores, because he wants to fall in love with you, then pilfer all your capitalist goals and sell them to blind angels in glass doors. Instead of working to conquer the world I prefer to stay in my cluttered home, drinking mead and playing video games, but I have to go play the cosmic herald after years when I would aimlessly roam on roads that lead nowhere in picture frames. Alone on pyramid of the One Eye that sees into dark heart of endless time, I preach salvation of the search for truth expressed with rites of science in the key that opens formulas through psychic rhyme which measure nothingness of the god wraith. Yet still I sail in river boat of faith that we incarnate from maternal womb four hundred million years to find out why how atoms work inspires messiah sleuth to find skull of Orpheus in the tomb where he still prophesies the Divine I. My ghost is typing words of magic spells that conjure visions of life-spinning Earth in minds of people born long since I die to program language charging our brain cells for when we gather at the global hearth to share stories while eating apple pie. Young woman in pink dress plays wood guitar and sings about the foolish man she loves who fails to understand her secret heart, then she explores the world in lonely car that glides winding highways past mountain coves till she gets lost in the puzzling star chart. Aware of how much more it costs these days to raise young children for lives of success, she places ancient Lyre of Mercury with Excalibur somewhere in the maze while wearing mask of the sly sorceress that everyone expects from comedy. Eating roast beef and drinking honey wine, alone in castle on the shining hill, I ponder why we rebels must destroy social structure of the old world design before we forge the new world with free will, like Rome was built new on ruins of Troy.
Anxiety Of Naked Truth
Anxiety Of Naked Truth © Surazeus 2024 03 24 Intense anxiety of naked truth wells up in desert cloister of my heart with bulging magnitude of honest faith in wretched misery from unpuzzled part till my whole soul explodes in flower bloom that shimmers joyfully in misty gloom. While wandering aimlessly on signless road in search for apple tree where serpents hiss I find in paradise hypnotic toad whose eyes entrance my heart with hope of bliss so I eat mushroom of enchanting dreams that spiral me unpathed by rainbow streams. Bright spark of naked horror in my breast burns into roaring flame of howling hope so I revert to inner human beast to dream how my ancestors learn to cope with shocking hours of terrible insight when I am flooded with ecstatic light. Each mode of my ancestral chain of being explores strange world of objects to achieve salvation through regeneration ring when food and love programs them to believe we are born again through conceptual means, revived based on immortal soul of genes. Still wandering road of life on timeless quest I find two gods in grove of apple trees who each present their way of life as best based on opposing principles of trust, energy of passion that fuels the heart, and logic of control that binds with art. Dionysus lounging in leopard skin, imbibing wine that frees the mind from rules, entices me to release lust within and dance without restraint of social goals with promise of ecstatic joy for life, free from suffering and pain of mental strife. Apollo perching in chlamys and wreath, strumming gold lyre and chanting lyric spells, instructs me to channel thoughts with breath and study nature of rivers and hills with promise of wisdom to perceive truth through self-control of the messiah sleuth. As fool composed of complex energies, I wonder why they offer me false choice of one way or the other as life keys, for I decide to choose both with one voice, combining passion and logic as ring that bonds my heart with honest strength to sing.
Saturday, March 23, 2024
Iswara The Boatman
Iswara The Boatman © Surazeus 2024 03 23 Young women wearing gold batik sarongs, who bear baskets of rich fruit on their heads, mundu, kemang, kepel, rukem, and, menteng, glide over lush meadow of tall lawngrass under elegant peak of Mount Merapi to grand feasting halls of Prambanan Compound. Balitung, son of Rudra, son of Shiva, strolls along lush shore of broad Opak River where families gliding in sampan boats wave, while holding hands with daughter of Jepang who beams shyly, new pregnant with his heir, then they sit in Bubrah Temple to feast. Envoys from towns all over Mataram, kingdom he expands across Java Island, kneel before King Balitung and his Queen, presenting offerings of craftsmen and farmers to celebrate time of prosperous peace due to wise oversight of his bold reign. Extending hand of generous respect, Balitung welcomes brother of his bride, Daksha, son of Jepang, son of Vishnu, who bows and steps close to the noble king, but thrusts sharp keris dagger in his heart, then proclaims himself King of Mataram. Shocked by assassination of her husband, Dewi Sri flees quickly from Bubrah Temple, past nobles feasting in Prambanan halls, to escape retribution of her brother for advising their father to choose Shiva instead of him to rule vast Mataram. Hiding in cliff cave on shore of the lake beneath high Kedung Kayang Waterfall, Dewi Sri meditates on lotus bloom, and prays to Goddess Sati for protection who casts veil over haven of her daughter so hunters never find the pregnant queen. Birthing son of murdered King Balitung, Dewi Sri cradles strong child in her arms, and, while he suckles milk with starry eyes in which she sees the swirling universe, she names him Iswara, Lord of the Land, then weeps and vows to keep him safe from harm. Old woman wearing gold batik sarong, who bears basket of rich fruit on her head, mundu, kemang, kepel, rukem, and, menteng, glides along lake shore to the hidden cave, and smiles to see her son Iswara work constructing sampan boat with crafty hands. Iswara the boatman, with eager heart, sails Opak River to Prambanan Compound where he joins crowd of humble worshippers gathered at feast of noble King Daksha who strides through the crowd parting in surprise to embrace the boy with welcoming tears. Presenting young son of King Balitung as heir to rule Kingdom of Mataram, Daksha gives him new name of Tulodong, then takes him to Bubrah Temple to feast where he meets the elegant princess Tara who offers him cup of papaya juice.
Mountain Of My Heart
Mountain Of My Heart © Surazeus 2024 03 23 When I shoulder huge mountain of the world to transcend limitations nature welds, I shall become great mountain of my heart insurmountable by closed gangs of thieves who declare themselves rulers of the land by crushing all those who oppose their will. Two men in shadow of the Golden Tower shake hands to cement secret business deal that gives them rights to build the railroad tracks which link their factories and grocery stores while marble statue of the goddess glows in sunlight stripping time of truth once real. Blind Orphan on the ship of leaking tears sails boldly toward glass planet of wild wolves to find in city of the weeping clown one-legged ballet dancer he adores who still performs sad tale of her rebirth after wild flood swept her out to the sea. Old priest who chants in the Orthodox Church finds Green-tailed Towhee chirping in his beard, so at round table on the river shore he grumbles with misery of rotten angst about cruel weirdness of life-spinning Earth that recycles our bodies through the dirt. Shouting absurd riddles at the oak tree where ravens play chess with arrogant pigs, old priest writes lyrics for grunge-metal song sparked by dream engine of his hungry brain to code prophetic vision of world war with words discarded in trash can of fear. Clay face of the Proud Duchess sliced in half reveals silver sleigh bells with turtle eyes that see King Lear serve tea on beach sand dunes to thirty mermaids singing each to each while sailors hold flowers outside the church where one-legged children of war play chase. Electric lilies spiral from phone lines to channel voices of the faceless dead who gossip about the slender blonde girl who walks the red brick road of Everywhere to apple grove where Bacchus rides the goat with plan to play piano of the mind. Curly-haired girl with twinkling silver eyes on Flying Book with paper-angel wings soars down from Heaven on bright rainbow beam to give me book of epic poem I write by dipping raven quill in dragon blood for souls who dance on mountain of my heart.
Green Metal Desk
Green Metal Desk © Surazeus 2024 03 23 The green metal desk of my office hours contrives my journey to the Promised Land while I type reports on computer screen which glows with passion of gold angel wings till I wake undrowned in the Lake of Dreams, then wear tweed jacket as I head for home. The slowly ticking clock of my false fears derives my hopes and dreams from fairy tales describing how the hero breaks the rules to ride the winged horse beyond the moon while riding town bus in misty dawn hours to analyze data for product sales. Strange foreign winter of my native land gambles with rain to reverse tragic fate of orphaned children whose dissevered limbs wait among pencils in office desk drawer for me to calculate profit and loss in accounting books angels wish to burn. Each time proud princess of the lotus bloom knocks on my office door just after noon she explains with frown of rich chocolate cake that I must file reports the proper way and pack them in accurately labeled boxes so ghosts of war-killed children can get home. Back at the long-neglected office desk, I almost forgot is mine based on the law, I search for code book of prophetic dreams to find out what the green Chevrolet means which I drive on country road out of town to mountains where no graves of children bloom. I know the home I rented is somewhere down tree-lined avenue with blank street signs because my family is still living there, which I can find if I follow road lines painted by grinning elves with dragon blood for limbless children in rubble of war. The one-legged girl, whose family was killed when bombs of justice demolished her home, wears pink tutu as she dances ballet on spotlit stage before the wealthy crowd who rattle their jewels to demonstrate support for children orphaned by the war. The green metal desk of my wordless faith supports conceptual project I design to create virtual world of spring-bright trees in video game that warriors use to train for noble fight to guard democracy against control-freaks of dictatorships.
Friday, March 22, 2024
Camping In The Mountains
Camping In The Mountains © Surazeus 2024 03 22 Rain drenches mountain chains of singing skulls so billions of naked humans sprout tall from teeth of dragons buried in moist soil as faceless ghosts dreamed by brain of the Earth to walk on boundless plain of signless roads till their frail bodies freeze in wordless wind. Across the windless plain of moaning trees the Guide and the Follower walk toward light to show the Jester how to play the lyre, but young girl shrivels in heat of the sun, so he carries her soul as withered rose toward glowing castle on mirror-glass hill. Tossing dead rose in fountain of star eyes, the Jester wears face of the howling wolf and prays to Phoebus floating on the moon who crumbles into swarm of buzzing bees that beam electric rays in bubbling pool so the Follower rises in new form. The Rose Girl with ten thousand glowing eyes reaches out ten thousand hands to the sky to touch each star that glitters beyond time which spiral into flashing words in brains emerging in long tangled vines of grapes that pulse with face-mask of each human soul. With ringing lyre encased inside his heart, the Jester screams with ecstasy of faith as he transforms from lizard on hot sand to writhing dragon with enormous wings hidden in cave of illusions by words that energize his soul with human hope. Contracting back in fragile human form, the Jester and the Rose Girl Follower climb gold stairway to Hall of Jupiter who welcomes his son Lucifer back home by placing crown of diamonds on his head, then places Lyre of Wisdom in his hand. Because his brother sacrificed his soul to save vile humanity from despair, the Jester returns from caverns of Hell with daughter of Persephone his bride to reign as World Emperor of Telluria that spins forever in the starless void. Rain drenches mountain slope of singing pines as Joshua sips coffee inside small tent while Rose scrambles eggs on the camping stove, then after breakfast he tunes old guitar and plays folk melodies as she sings lyrics to praise the sun that gives life to the Earth.
Journey To The Moon
Journey To The Moon © Surazeus 2024 03 22 While I am meditating in deep trance to wake immortal spirit of the stars with vibrant energy of conscious love, I find myself alone on desert plain before enormous ziggurat of skulls with diamonds gleaming as their demon eyes. Then from exploding heaps of spiteful sand I see grim Ozymandias appear with visage of huge statue Daniel saw, so I run to peak of Mount Helicon and hurl marble boulder of Sisyphus like bowling ball to crush his august pride. With heart of victorious alacrity I climb heavenly stairs of shining gold to plaza on the flat-top ziggurat where Ishtar gazes through tall telescope that projects her eye huge as Jupiter so she sees all that happens on the Earth. After placing laurel wreath on my head, the bright-eyed Queen of Heaven offers me choice of winged horses as my bold mount, Pegasus, Bucephalus, or Buraq, but while each one would bear me to my goal I choose instead Tianma that Kwan Yin trained. Mounting lithe horse with elegant swan wings, whose black eyes gleam with primal stars of love, I ride her swift expression of pure faith three times around life-spinning globe of Earth till she transcends this mortal plane of flesh and streaks on wings of lightning to the moon. Descending from ethereal swirls of light, Tianma, with purring wings that ripple time, lands on enormous marble ziggurat where wise Apollo on smooth throne of gold strums lyre of Mercury with supple hands and sings long epic poem that John Keats wrote. Entranced by vision of Hyperion, who reigned in crystal palace of star eyes one hundred million years of crafty peace, I gaze at sphere of Earth that shimmers bright, green and blue in nowhere void of hope, weeping for tragic lives of human souls. Awake from dream of meditating trance, I stretch and walk outside the silent hall to stroll in garden where cherry trees bloom fragile as children killed in brutal wars that rage in distant lands around the world, while I drink peach juice in the cool spring breeze.
Thursday, March 21, 2024
Before They Kill Us All
Before They Kill Us All © Surazeus 2024 03 21 They want to exterminate our whole clan from vibrant passion of life-spinning Earth, and erase stories of our homeless tribe from the ancient book of mountains and seas, so we must defend our lives from their hate and kill them first before they kill us all. Hunted for centuries across strange lands far from the homeland our fathers designed, we escape their swords in the wilderness, yet long for lush valleys our mothers tilled, so we must live with compassionate hope and kill them first before they kill us all. Thick grapevines we planted with bleeding hands in fertile soil that gave our bodies life still grow entangled in our lonely hearts though we wander far from vales of lost homes, so we must plant more vines in foreign fields and kill them first before they kill us all. Beneath cool shade in groves of olive trees we gathered round tables of faith to feast, and by deep sea that ever calls our names we sang solemn psalms of trust in the Sky, so we must feast and sing in these strange lands and kill them first before they kill us all. We built new homes in cities far from home and raised our families in gardens of fruit, but they attacked us and drove us away to wander as strangers in these strange lands, so we must return to our first homeland and kill them first before they kill us all. Surrounding us in ghettos of despair, they trap us with high fences of barbed wire, then, sending us in trains to prison camps, they gas our souls in chambers of contempt, so we must go back to where we began and kill them first before they kill us all. Returning to space of our first homeland where bones of our ancestors form the hills, we drive squatters from homes our fathers built, and chase thieves from gardens our mothers tilled, so we must raise flag of our haven state and kill them first before they kill us all. Safe in Promised Land our First Father found, based on promise from Spirit of the Stars, we dwell surrounded by thousands of tribes who want to exterminate our whole clan, so we claim our space on life-spinning Earth and kill them first before they kill us all.
Wisdom Of The Glowing Sun
Wisdom Of The Glowing Sun © Surazeus 2024 03 21 When I open my heart to hope for joy I hear song of the river in the wind and whisper of the ocean in tree leaves as light transforms rain into juicy fruit that nourishes our bodies and our minds with ancient wisdom of the glowing sun. The flowing river glistens in moonlight that gleams in eyes of the owl in the oak who teaches me ancient song of the stars that flash for you and me as we make love with aching rhythm of the spinning Earth which gives us wisdom of the glowing sun. With every song that fountains from my heart I feel the surging ocean overflow to drench my deserts with tears of desire in harmony with how the caged bird sings, then dance with soft wind in the springing grass as I learn wisdom of the glowing sun. When I ask her to run away with me and live as my wife on our apple farm she grips my throat and growls with sneering smirk that we must be crooked with humble faith to live in this crooked world of despair, enduring wisdom of the glowing sun. The sweet-voiced stream that gives me drink of life bears me away on ceaseless tides of hope when I float lost on current of my fate far from paradise I built with my hands where strangers now enjoy fruit of my heart stolen from wisdom of the glowing sun. The unknown faceless bards of long ago who haunt my heart as ghosts of ancient truth now touch my lips with flame of sacred fire so I see beauty in gloom of my fear when I strum lyre and sing tale of the fool who still seeks wisdom of the glowing sun. In snow-white hair of clouds on shoulder hills moonlight reveals face of my mother clear when she gives me green emerald of the sea that glitters with first flash of the big bang and teaches me how to sing what I dream that encodes wisdom of the glowing sun. Oppressed for centuries by greedy kings, we break our hearts from chains of misery to journey far across the storm-wracked sea and build new paradise in haunted woods where I still roam with nowhere to call home past signs to wisdom of the glowing sun.
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
If We Defy The Fates
If We Defy The Fates © Surazeus 2024 03 20 Through sense of swirling ocean and old trees the cranky seer who knows the secret truth gives masks to every lonely soul he sees to bolster illusion of hollow faith because each falling fruit inaugurates grand revolution to defy the fates. Dark veil that hides our faces from blank skies tricks us to repudiate our blood oath with wanton opposition of wise spies who feel Death is grim tyrant of our troth, so we get lost in haze of fierce debates with anxious purpose to defy the fates. She strives with God of Everywhere for keys to open doors for shelter of our souls but, wandering lost on stairway to cold seas, we sing sad hymns for long-forgotten goals, still trusting how her daughter navigates rough ways we follow to defy the fates. Yet in dark gloom around heart-warming fires we share weird horror stories of deep wells from which crawl demons up fragile church spires who mock our fears at ringing of the bells because each tragic moral demonstrates consequence for those who defy the fates. Catastrophe of trust in Unseen Power asserting restless detriment of laws reveals Invisible Hand of the Tower who crushes opposition to his cause in fierce rebellion when he dominates choices we lose if we defy the fates. While godless winds from spinning iron core blow through the Shining City on the Hill we cheer to hear the Hidden Dragon roar in fight against tyranny for Free Will at victory our whole nation celebrates, though Death laughs at those who defy the fates. With glint of iron in his honest eyes good man who reluctantly plays Good Leader executes social programs that comprise support for vision of the Humble Worker who joins noble quest of state delegates voting for courage to defy the fates. Alone on drear and lonely tract of Hell I build accessible stairway to Heaven where every lost soul with harsh tale to tell may follow prudence of the moon-eyed raven till they find Wise Woman who generates dream code that helps us all defy the fates.
Weird Miracle Of Why
Weird Miracle Of Why © Surazeus 2024 03 20 Thirsty to taste sweet orange peel of the sky, I examine broken things of the world so I can breathe weird miracle of why that winds my heart with wings of atoms curled more taut than galaxies of dreaming brains because I lose myself in mindless rains. Obtaining memories from wild honeybees that modify how time designs my name, I wander woods of strange identities to swindle wisdom with the curious game I play through calm perplexity of faith that leads my way to sea of the blind wraith. Halfway between the mountain and the sea, lost in religious haze of singing birds, I illustrate how angels live so free through allegory of unpuzzled words that shape ground of this Earth on which I dwell as faceless ghost who haunts Rune-springing well. Intensely anxious that sly Death still knows each secret name my brain tries to invent in vain attempts to escape fate of snows, I decide to campaign for president since we have decided to behead kings who tremble in rage when Queen Ishtar sings. I love every human who lives on Earth whether any of them love me or not, because I value each soul with great worth since we are creatures that sunlight has wrought through process of evolution to dream awake in our minds by the flowing stream. Bright stars of childhood still gleam in our eyes which inspires our bodies to grow in play, though pain of failing organs twists the prize of joy we claim as we start to decay, because ambiguous stories of the dead intone manic melodies in my head. Each serpent slithering in meadow of fear guides me to emotional swing of hope that flings me to the silver moon so near I almost understand how I might cope with stringent passion of daily desire to transcend my role in the global choir. When life-affirming sap of Mother Earth shoots upward through my body into wings, I reach my spirit high toward soul rebirth to dance in mountain grove where Ishtar sings, for with clear temporary glow of life she fills my heart with joy as loving wife.
Tuesday, March 19, 2024
Mansion Of My Strength
Mansion Of My Strength © Surazeus 2024 03 19 Once we eradicate invasive tribes and bomb their religions to smithereens, we can build on ruins of their despair new paradise of grand national pride that shelters us from harm of bitter lies so we can eat the labor of their hands. Till we erase their libraries and schools, and burn books of their fake mythologies, we must subvert their gods to evil demons to portray our legends as victories of our wise seers over their witless fools that enhance our virtue over their vice. Here on this shining stretch of ocean beach, now cluttered with their factories and stores, I will erect grand mansion of my strength composed of marble blocks from empty halls to glorify my noble destiny bestowed by true God as my divine right. Where now these wooden shacks where farmers lived in dire poverty of godless despair, on this soft sand where wild children played, I will construct new spacious pool of faith with umbrellaed tables for honest feasts where my good family may relax in peace. You must accept with humble gratitude will of Heaven that determines your fate when angel wings, urged by divine decree, sweep your mendacious ghetto in the sea to cleanse this land of your viral disease so I can build paradise on your grave. Aggressive strength of assured confidence, supported by strength of national law, invigorates our drive to conquer Hell as we obliterate cruel terrorists who seek to drive us with unfair contempt from sacred space of our ancestral lands. Since God gave our forefathers this fair land thousands of years ago with starred contract, we dwell with vigor of bold fortitude through honest resilience against attacks, and, though we were scattered to foreign lands, this land remains ours by divine decree. Though we must kill to claim our paradise, to secure safe homeland by force of arms where our children may prosper with hard work, through courage of endurance we will grow to maintain progress from fertile faith, constructing Heaven from fiction of Hell.
Infectious Anxiety Mode
Infectious Anxiety Mode © Surazeus 2024 03 19 Because they try to set his hat on fire with laughing gasoline of naked truth, he will conjure disarticulate words to prove how worthless love can never be as if obscure excerpts of puzzle code would smear blood on the art magazine page. Regret may not soon hesitate to charge for promised coverage of the howling time because we must share stories of our lives while huddling round the campfire at midnight with solemn remembrance of those who died yet walk among us as absence of faith. We could archive our dreams in lonely books stored on third floor of the library hall because experience of the songless vibe is more sublime than timeless waterfalls till we decide with concern to attend last conference about history of world art. Enthusiastic crowd of sunset ghosts cheer leaping dance of the most serious clown who prophesies when the empire will fall as if they just collapse when we decide the time has come to change how we perceive mechanical world of atomic light. So we decide to become Futurists who choose infectious anxiety mode for measuring our mental capacity to multiply our bodies from coiled genes as we mutate from fish to wingless angel when we transgress borders of moral rights. Inert from paradoxical desire while marking pastoral zone of exchange, we network at art museums of pride with posh pose of necrotic attitude long absent from contagious stage of fear with disregard for loose propriety. While I survey our critical domain with objective focus of harsh insight, my brain stuck in metastasis of hope, I trick my heart to reproduce weird joy through frigid ecstasy that powers time when I exploit glam likeness of the world. With each redundant gesture of pure art, converting psychic trash to social cash, I saturate my brain with dreams of love through generalities of ideal truths, till I derive new world order from lies on which our victory may capitalize.
Monday, March 18, 2024
My Own Direction Home
My Own Direction Home © Surazeus 2024 03 18 Safely ensconced as the complete unknown in cardboard box of my alleyway haven, I ask Sisyphus why his rolling stone smashes only idols of the gold raven who brings me god mask from the ancient tome that helps me map my own direction home. Dancing with demons on Mount Helicon who guide me to the Fairy Queen in Stonehenge, I show her map I drew of Avalon so she rewards me with the holy orange which inspires me to build the Pantheon dome since I forget my own direction home. Chanting magic spells with mad Baudelaire who teaches me how to storm the Bastille, I steal jeweled crown of Apollinaire to prove I am the lost King of Castile, so on American highways I roam to navigate my own direction home. Claiming Siege Perilous of Percival with Wand of Zambor as World President, I encode secret of the Holy Grail as wizard who performs the sacrament through which I rule Earth from temple of Rome after paving my own direction home. Through reason of Apollo I explain how Earth beams from first flash of the big bang while strumming guitar on the street in rain to reorganize my loyal street gang who helps me when I play the empire game as fool lost on my own direction home. Through passion of Dionysus I leap on wings of Icarus above the world to Elysium where sons of Jesus weep at second coming of the Cosmic Herald who devises code of my royal name which signifies my own direction home. Hitchhiking to Eden with Sisyphus to drag King Midas off the global throne, we sit on head of Ozymandias to plot salvation of the rolling stone when lawyers arrive to deny my claim to redesign my own direction home. Wandering signless roads of America as the unknown with no direction home, I get lost in wild hills of Attica to find myself at home wherever I roam, hiding in Cave of Dreams to evade Fame who tries to block my own direction home.
Injustice Of Their Greed
Injustice Of Their Greed © Surazeus 2024 03 18 Along the apple-sweetened Anio shore Chloris runs on frail legs like wounded deer to escape gang of boys who call her whore as she finds motivation through stark fear to hide in small cave where the fox once dwelled, then weeps to know the truth that death has smelled. Heart bitter at injustice of their greed that crushes her beneath their mocking boots, Chloris scratches foul soil to find the seed that conjures magic of apple tree roots which consume corpses of boys she will kill when they lose control of their souls they spill. Sharp blade of metal she digs from wet dirt gleams in moonlight with thirst for evil blood, so Chloris glides with stealth despite her hurt, faced smeared with demonic power of mud, and finds each boy who dishonored her heart to exact revenge of his fatal chart. As ghost of sorrow, wandering misty groves, abused and discarded by gang of thieves, Chloris becomes mute absence as she roves stale valleys of tangled weeds where she grieves loss of innocence she treasured with faith in honest love that haunts her as cruel wraith. Concealed by oak leaves fluttering in the breeze, as she lingers in shadows of despair, Chloris sees her mother weep on her knees before funeral pyre that distorts hot air with flames consuming body of her soul, while Sextus scatters roses from brass bowl. Confused that they are weeping for her death, over corpse of some strange girl on the bier, Chloris hesitates and inhales deep breath to cherish love symbolized by each tear that people weep at memory of her name, remembering how she played the singing game. Deciding it is better they believe that she is dead, and nothing more than ghost whose absence they will too soon cease to grieve, Chloris retreats from alerting the host that she is still alive, then turns away to find her own new solitary way. Along the apple-sweetened Anio shore Chloris skips with wild joy that she is free to never suffer pursuit anymore, then kisses skull of Pluto by the sea where she lounges all day, eating fried fish, and reading weird tales that fulfill her wish.
Sunday, March 17, 2024
Attention Of His Faith
Attention Of His Faith © Surazeus 2024 03 17 With each crow that launches toward sun-red clouds young Cronus plucks another juicy plum from black twisted branches of ancient trees while glancing back over his shoulder to spot if old gray-bearded Uranus might wake from snoring by door of his old wood shack. Relaxing with blithe confidence of stealth, young Cronus climbs up in the tallest tree to reach three largest plums with eager hands, then starts with shock that makes his heart beat wild when harsh voice of old Uranus declares that he will soon die for his crime of theft. Staring down surprised in fierce sea-blue eyes, Cronus stutters and tumbles from the tree, annoyed that his plums scatter in the grass, then leaps to his feet and crouches to fight, like the wolf crouches when facing the bear that catches him sniffing about his lair. Snatching broken branch that lies in the grass, young Cronus twirls and waves it with bold stance, as if to show that he cannot be cowed, when Uranus howls and charges with rage, like the bull defending its fertile herd, and punches raven boy hard in the head. Stunned and dizzy as he rolls in wet grass, young Cronus clutches his bruised head in shock, but breathes deep and centers spark of his strength at flaming core of passion in his breast, so he asserts attention of his faith to leap and kick Uranus in his chest. Alert with tense control of his taut limbs, young Cronus analyzes with sharp eye just how sky-father moves when he attacks, and notes exposure of his vital state when he swings skull-crushing fist in hot rage, then snatches sickle with intense purport. Ducking hard blow of his skull-crushing fist, young Cronus somersaults inside his guard, then, clutching genitals of his old father, castrates his sire with swift stroke of ambition through brave objective to assert free will in choosing how he wishes to perform. Hurling organ for generating life into deep swirling sea of wordless hope, young Cronus gasps when from its foaming seed beautiful Rhea emerges with grace, so they embrace and make love by the sea, then kiss and blush as they consume ripe plums.
Born Merely Clown
Born Merely Clown © Surazeus 2024 03 17 Awake in glow of vast lenticular, I backward flow on stream of faceless words to ungrasp thought for each particular that flutters joyful anguish of wild birds who swoop with full exquisite themes of love to fall stone-dreamed in shadow of the cove. Stark silent wisdom stones express in song urge little children flapping wingless arms to unsurprise wreathed tree that sells time wrong through endless councils legislating charms which Ocean suns with total amplitude based on unnow that measures poisoned food. More recent memories blooming dolls of grief consider shadows where blind children play games of chase with specters of disbelief performed by grim immortal mime of clay who molds snowflakes in idols of dead gods since sons of Jesus rule with iron rods. Born merely clown from mother of what if, I jump vast ocean bridges cracked by faith to measure span of life by looming cliff that knows why children steal books from the wraith though he sells silence in glass jars of hope with manuals that teach fools tricks how to cope. Each purchased fragment split from false untime contracts green silence with cold kiss of death out-morning warmth of calculated rhyme that tricks her son to wear clay face of breath with each new cloud far-dancing on blood hill unborn through flowers of conceptual will. Five faces painting gloom on boundless walls consider love more thick than seldom seen far deeper than white sea of serpent calls who sanely grasps frail moon in time machine as if we little unforgive forged pride less secret than cruel deeds we try to hide. Not thicker than forget of cannon speech, we laugh enormous clever no one hears to unregret frail corpses from foul beach, incensed by talking fists of huger fears too vivid for our children to dismiss with sometimes pleasure of the stolen kiss. Yet utter ripeness stuck between far downs expands unspeaking girls with honest tricks who search for named boys in pretty how towns with floating bells that holy book depicts as guessed uncertainties children obtain when they sleep dreams of starving bitter pain.
Saturday, March 16, 2024
Fight Their Own Wars
Fight Their Own Wars © Surazeus 2024 03 16 Soft sunlight on thick windows of new cars considers principles of empire power condensed from prophecies of errant stars captured by blind Rapunzel in the tower who hears our thoughts in twitter of free birds when they escape false concepts of our words. The rivalry of mental principles between reason and control of Apollo, and passion and chaos of Dionysus, provides emotional balance of faith for me to navigate drama of life with energy that fuels perceptive logic. Though my mother and my father grow old since they were born in the second world war, our lives are beautiful as marigold that blossoms outside the empty church door, so I stroll in town with the busy crowd to contemplate magic of the Glow Cloud. Galahad sits in the Siege Perilous after Jesus founded the Royal Bloodline that rules through power of the Holy Grail, so Percival assembles the Earth Puzzle while they discuss how to conquer the world at the Round Table of the War Machine. People at round tables outside cafes eat ice cream and talk about politics while blind prophet with lyre of Hermes plays coded satires that mock deceptive tricks bankers play to keep the people enthralled with tales of wealth sung by the radio skald. Beethoven climbs stairs of the music hall to find Cinderella mopping the floor, so he gives her roses and jeweled ring, but she wants to fly to Paris and sing opera shows at Le Palais Garnier, because she hopes to marry sad Pierrot. Stock characters of abandoned religions hang out as ghosts in changing maze of myths so I try to revive them with new visions where they perform roles of militant faiths who fight world war over whose god is real till Janus and I make another deal. Complex narrative of victory we tell presents flawed human characters who play roles of Christ and Anti-Christ in world war till Zarathus crowns himself King of Earth, so we all go back to our daily lives, raising children who will fight their own wars.
Perfection Of Afternoon Light
Perfection Of Afternoon Light © Surazeus 2024 03 16 The bumblebee that hovers by my window explains perfection of afternoon light that sculpts simple beauty of trees and homes, and faces of people strolling the street as they discuss philosophy of life since the serpent lives in the apple tree. The serpent that lives in the apple tree lays down brambles and jagged shards of glass to obstruct my quest searching for true love so I transform pain of my heart to song that shines in darkness as lamp of new hope since the horse gallops on the windy hill. The horse that gallops on the windy hill reveals the long curling vine of desire that blooms with juicy purple grapes of faith which zing my brain with visions of delight so we dance laughing on the river shore since the eagle watches from the tall pine. The eagle that watches from the tall pine programs computers to obey commands which bind eight billion humans in one mind as we evolve into global God Brain who dreams evolution to wingless angel since the lizard lurks in fountain of youth. The lizard that lurks in fountain of youth defines the heart that explodes as the bomb fired by the tyrant in the golden tower who tracks our footprints on the sandy dunes to conquer paradise of olive trees since the camel rules as the wasteland ghost. The camel that rules as the wasteland ghost operates on cancerous king of the world who lies etherized on table of war after getting shot by the bold assassin who insists that the election was stolen since the dragon rises from the oiled sea. The dragon that rises from the oiled sea performs the rites of spring in Stonehenge ring where elves and angels gather to elect new Faery Queen to rule the Western World from Cave of Dreams on Isle of Avalon since the raven controls the television. The raven that controls the television retrieves Runes from deep Well of Melusine so humans have technology of words to capture memories of our previous lives which our ancestors lived with aching hearts since the bumblebee hovers by my window.
Friday, March 15, 2024
Never Wait For Death
Never Wait For Death © Surazeus 2024 03 15 Silver evening sky watches me through oaks with cruel demonic face of happiness that looms over frail homes on lonely hills where cars glide slow on narrow country roads with headlights that illuminate grim ghouls who haunt the wordless shadows of desire. Though precious treasure of my aching heart may seem lost now on raven wings of fear, I know she will return from swirling gloom with knowledge about people I hold dear whose idols never wait for Death to come in regular rhythm with ocean waves. Frail river boat may rock against mud shore with creaking moan of ghosts who search alone for names their mothers hide with serpent eggs, but I will wait for Death in black lace gown to take me to the castle for the feast where the prince pokes my chest with his sharp sword. Strange stillness of the black oak trees at dusk reflects stark terror of my empty mind so I grip twisted wand of trembling faith to face the smiling monster of my fear who lurks beside the moonlit singing stream while reading ancient book of epic poems. Rain clouds glow silver in the evening sky as if to mock wild beating of my heart while I stare in gold window of her hope where she brews apple cider in stone hearth that bubbles as she pours thick honey in, and adds sliced red mushrooms with eyes of newt. Inviting me inside with beaming grin, she dips large jeweled grail in bubbling juice and offers me sweet honey mead of love, so I drink deep illusion of the mind that flashes visions of ten million years as I dream how light swirls into the Earth. Light fades into black nothingness of truth that veils frail shell of my soul in red mist in tune with shrieks of foxes on bleak moors, because the moon owl on the hearth explains how man and woman generate new life as I fall into abyss of her eyes. I never wait for Death to find my home so when I wake beside the girl I love I kiss her face from compassion of trust with vow to feed her and guard her with care as she swells pregnant with child of my soul who wears demonic face of happiness.
King Of The Pack
King Of The Pack © Surazeus 2024 03 15 I do not want those fawning worshippers, he proclaims while striding down mirrored halls, who flock around the beautiful masked stars, for they are vampires hungry for your power who misdirect their jealous energy, and would turn quick to stab you in the back. Halls of Fame are crowded with Jupiters, he sneers while tapping photos on the wall, who cruise around Gotham in fancy cars, and fight for who will rule the Ivory Tower to evade fate of double jeopardy in vicious contest for King of the Pack. Obsessed with glamor of the worshipped poet, endowed with recognition of the crowd as brilliant genius with clever insight expressed through spells of convoluted verse, these nascent Apollos seek only fame, forgetting we endure Hell to reach Heaven. Programmed by investors to play the prophet as the tortured poet in tattered shroud who wears fake wings of Icarus in flight, nameless poets, ignorant of the curse bestowed by Orpheus on the Word Game, chase rainbow of glory cast by the Raven. After descending to foul gloom of Hell to rescue my Muse, bitten by the snake of hunger for fame and glory of the seer, I lead her back home to the World of Light only to lose her from silent despair, my heart glowing with strange Wisdom of Death. Kneeling in dark woods by Rune-teeming well, I gaze at mask of my face that seems fake to discern ideal truth in spinning sphere that formulates morals for wrong and right, till I perceive the Real behind is glare, so I regain my Muse with conscious breath. Performing role as Priest to save the world from glamorous illusions of false wealth, I sing uncanny spells with eerie voice while bearing lamp that guides my way with love till crowds of lost souls follow my footsteps and gather in haven I build with words. Returning from Hell as the Cosmic Herald with hard-won secret code for mental health, I sing new paradigm that presents choice as creative way to share treasure trove, concealed with riddles on globalized maps, so we can sing in harmony with birds.
Thursday, March 14, 2024
Prim Reclining Goddess
Prim Reclining Goddess © Surazeus 2024 03 14 Heritage of the walking table claims prim reclining goddess on railroad tracks loves Teiresias of the hooting owl with visual passion of Olympic games distorting visions of computer hacks who program dreams with poems of Robert Lowell. Close reading of blank books that swim alone exposes pride that Julius Caesar twists concept of Heaven that glamors his brain to sing in harmony with rolling stone that Sisyphus paints red with martial fists because Teiresias loves to dance in rain. Because the Boston Brahmin rides black horse along telephone lines of naked voice though wise zombies study philosophy, Teiresias sails small boat down winding course from Mount Parnassus based on private choice to prove Death plays chess through theology. Unhappy circumstances of his life concealed in puzzling poems he never writes with rigorous examination of faith, Teiresias wears mask of his gorgeous wife to fool Robert Lowell who always fights against imperial reign of the god wraith. While driving Tudor Ford on asphalt road past the old South Boston Aquarium through bleak Sahara of swirling snowflakes, Teiresias visits Temple of the Toad who leads the dead to lush Elysium with honest hope to meet satanic snakes. Opposed to factories built in cotton fields where dancing skeletons worship the Bear, Teiresias lassoes idol of dead king who still laments bloody sword his son wields in battle to defend Apollinaire who searches in vain for his lost left wing. Traumatized by love of the eyeless ghost who dances with him gracefully through time, Teiresias tries to confess with proud mien eternal flame of love that burns his boast with promise to cleanse his soul of all crime then vanish in shadow of Melusine. With fierce ambition of his fleeting youth that weighs his heart with cruel elusive flame beaming too brightly from the stark abyss, Teiresias appoints me messiah sleuth under spar spire of the church with no name because Ishtar enchants me with her kiss.
Remake Our Nation
Remake Our Nation © Surazeus 2024 03 14 Clearly not fast enough to overcome disastrous dissolution of Dream World that we assumed describes reality which crumbles into narrative of power expressed by violent people in despair, I remake our nation in my own image. Clearly not wise enough to comprehend nine levels of chess in game of world power that swirls around me in global events unfolding from conflicts of interest between opposing cults of social rights, I remake our nation in my own image. Clearly not cool enough to arrogate glamor of divine right to exercise power of authority with gold wand which I wield in battle for mind control to fight demonic energy of hate, I remake our nation in my own image. Clearly not strong enough to confiscate wealth stolen by the traitor through his scams designed to fool his frightened worshippers with delusion that he is their messiah who will save their souls from humiliation, I remake our nation in my own image. Clearly not sharp enough to navigate narrow channel of balanced accuracy while steering Ship of State with strict insight between opposing ideologies based on analysis of equal rights, I remake our nation in my own image. Clearly not fool enough to analyze complex hypothesis of measurement based on comparison of legal rights opposing nations claim in brutal fight that land they occupy was always theirs, I remake our nation in my own image. Clearly not dumb enough to conjugate assumptions based on vague ancestral rights enforced through bullet-pointed words of pride to kill or be killed in cruel genocide that shatters frail skulls of the innocent, I remake our nation in my own image. Clearly not slow enough to interfere with postulated theory forged from death that faceless God in glowing cloud of fear directs stage drama of global events to reduce excess human population, I remake our nation in my own image.
Salvation From The Rain
Salvation From The Rain © Surazeus 2024 03 14 Through artistic measurement of Mankind blind seers who rearrange our naked souls present our fragile hope of hostile joy in frame of reference bound by ancient laws that men on mounds of skulls declare as rule by which we seek salvation from the rain. To preserve geography of our flesh that curves beyond our understanding minds we choose how we would see the changing world as vital resource we extract with hands that could sustain compassion of our souls when we achieve salvation from the rain. Old woman stepping from wood portrait frame leaves bombed museum with her dreams intact while clutching suitcase of torn photographs to walk past war tanks, mangled on the road, where skeletons dance with rainbows of despair, to discover salvation from the rain. Waiting for the brutal world war to end, her daughter sits by cracked window of time and sews world map on pillow of her hope that shows how roads and rivers interact to nourish cities bombed to dusty ruins which could provide salvation from the rain. While reading empty book of history, which presents maps that show how haughty kings killed people to claim moral victory, she ponders how our lives could intersect so we can weave new life from harsh defeat to utilize salvation from the rain. Assembling diorama of her lost life, the little girl in dirt-stained yellow dress fills miniature house with new furniture where dolls can play cute drama of her heart, on cluttered yard beside her bombed-out house, if she procures salvation from the rain. Attentive to flight of the martial hawk, that watches humans battle over land, the young girl bears the cold sea in her hands to scatter waterdrops on stark white hills for olive trees to sprout from fractured skulls, to encourage salvation from the rain. Eager to hear stones of the Earth speak truth, I stand before abandoned castle shells to dream lost memories my ancestors lived that explain why I built it with my hands in hostile wilderness of monstrous men, then discover salvation from the rain.
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
Pretty Queen Of Tears
Pretty Queen Of Tears © Surazeus 2024 03 13 The white horse only guides me by surprise as captive of Apollo, god of songs, who calls me with strange voice of motor cars programmed by Theseus to wake the dead, electric shock therapy of cruel jokes that crack invisible mirrors with faith. When I was troubled by gold evening light that stretches boundaries of my ardent mind, you molded my body from ocean slime with tangled knots no sailor can untie, though I climb the tallest tree in the world to understand why monkeys love to sing. Stealing words of detective story plots to bribe my sad collaborating Muse, I tell fictional version of my life in memoir full of lies that no one reads about how snakes in apple trees can trick fools into believing God loves their names. My eyes will never see what my hands do because I type words on blank page of truth to confess with verbal rawness of faith deception I perform to scam the rich by fooling them to believe the black rose contains the secret of eternal life. Because I love the pretty Queen of Tears, who opens windows on hot summer nights, I dance ballet on the razor-sharp edge of honest passion between naked souls who pass each other in the sultry dusk with brutal swagger of the hungry dead. Though History wants to live with what is here, clutching my heart with gentle dragon claws, I choose to accept that all humans die with unfinished drama of our desire luring us way too deep in maze of myths for us to escape trap of great events. Cows wait patiently in the field of dreams where I grip high-voltage wire of ambition with laughable plan to crown myself king while hunting predatory clowns with stealth who wear my terrifying innocence as angelic mask to hide their scarred face. Midway through journey of my futile quest to find the Holy Grail inside my heart, I drop dead in the middle of my show, still gripping mask of my negative self that melts in screaming alphabets of faith because I wake not in the Afterlife.
Poison Of Fame
Poison Of Fame © Surazeus 2024 03 13 Fame is the deadly poison of false pride that destroys and kills the poetic spirit, so better to remain obscure and nameless to more enchantingly sing in the silence with loving lamentation of the heart for death of beauty in the changing world. The faceless singer in the swirling mist, who walks forever on the signless road, finds weird transcendent beauty of the mind in hostile wilderness of savage beasts, so when he arrives in the country town he sings with joy to praise passion of life. When people lost in darkness of desire hear sweet enchanting voice of his weird song, then gather close to bask in glow of hope, the singer feels warm radiance of his soul sucked out by hunger of the crowd for faith, so he flees back to safe obscurity. Hearts sparked by Dionysian lust for hope, the anxious crowd, lost in dark gloom of fear, follows blinding glow of the frightened singer to find him hiding in cave of illusions, so they cry out for vision of salvation, hungry to devour his enchanting power. Emerging from gloom of demonic cave, with diamond gleaming brighter than the moon, the singer stands before the frightened crowd and sings to translate anguish of despair to hopeful faith that with their grasping hands they can create wealth from darkness of fear. Inspired by vision of better tomorrows, the crowd offers cup of fame to the singer, so, though he hesitates with bitter knowledge that fame is poison that would kill his spirit, he reaches out to accept their deadly gift offered from ignorance of worshipful awe. Drinking poison of fame with prayer of faith, the singer gasps and feels his soul transformed from mortal body to immortal god through wrenching apotheosis of love, so his body wilts in cave of illusions while his soul dissipates to wordless wind. Erecting statue that depicts the singer, his bold fanatic worshippers sing praise and bow before idol of his weird beauty to celebrate the heart-enchanting power his visions conjured in their hopeful minds, while they repeat the songs his heart once sang.
Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Story Most Worthy To Sing
Story Most Worth To Sing © Surazeus 2024 03 12 My self-reflection on my mirror brain tricks Ungod into thinking I am her, so she veils me in sorrow-fog of faith that leads me astray on the signless road my mother blazed with hill-exploring feet till I wander in her lush apple grove. Pushing through thick canopy of green leaves, I stumble into clearing by deep cave where she bathes naked in the sparkling pool, my eyes blinded by pure beauty of truth, so I understand why this world exists, awed by perfection of her moon-bright eyes. My conscious fear of Death inside my heart tricks Ungod into giving me ripe fruit, brewed sweet in mushroom wine that blows my mind as I dance laughing in star-flashing rain when she embraces me in eager arms and draws immortal spirit from my brain. Filling baskets in wagons with ripe apples, I wipe sweat from my frustrated forehead while she lounges in cool refreshing pool, belly swelling huge with child of my heart, so I smile and wave at girl I adore who beams while Erato plays ringing lyre. My haughty pride in fertile fatherhood tricks Ungod into crowning my bowed head with laurel wreath as I present our child to the cheering crowd of satyrs and nymphs who dance all night to celebrate rebirth of Kritheis from soul of the river ghost. Teaching young boy to strum strings of the lyre, I teach my son how to compose sweet hymns with clear harmonious tones of lofty faith that praise noble deeds of heroic gods who protect mankind from demons of fear when Zeus battles Kronos to rule the Earth. My meditation on path of my life tricks Ungod into giving me star map by which I navigate vast maze of myths to find the story most worthy to sing that presents tragic fall of the great city and prosperity of the country town. Limping wounded on the wild ocean shore, I cry out to Zeus in the empty sky for strong courage to fight the gang of thieves who drove my family from our paradise, but lie on sand as my wife and son weep, then sink in gloom as my son sings lament.
Quakes Of Hopeless Faith
Quakes Of Hopeless Faith © Surazeus 2024 03 12 These memories I recollect with the rain that types my sorrows on the listening lawn include the way my playful children laugh with heart-aching cheer of those who still hope, while faceless monsters of the hungry world haunt sun-beamed shadows as weird nameless things. I hide no memories of wings in my spine with tense attention to the way Death waits, but I breathe courage of the wordless rain to fasten my soul with hope to the world because I keep falling back to the sky in shocked reversal of grave discontent. The book still on the table of my heart attempts to escape my labyrinth of dreams to find warm glowing hearth in gloomy woods where cherubim disguised as stormy clouds hover vast over meadow of blind faith with bleak compassion of afternoon rain. The bomb explains my father is the light that cracks blank mirror of the restless sea so I decide that I will never drown except to send my spirit to the moon when grim age cripples my eager intent though I memorize names of birds and flowers. White petals from tattered dresses of girls pave bomb-buckled streets with grand victory as secrets children hide in star-burned books where photos of families killed in the war shrivel to oak leaves on indifferent hills though tanks crush golden walls of paradise. The nun on fire with passion of the sun runs silently toward mirror of the mind across low treeless hills of gleaming snow to catch blind angel falling from the sky, whose cry cracks Earth with quake of hopeless faith, then sits alone with nothing in her hands. Ten thousand people from factories and farms gather around tomb of the Unknown Goddess to sing reverent hymns for Pallas Athena whose shield displays virtual world of our dreams while angels fly silver planes over clouds to bomb the crystal palace where Zeus hides. After building Temple for wise Apollo, Triphonius wanders maze of Gotham City as ghost in memories of my predawn dreams who gives me the golden Cup of the Sun when I return home from the brutal war to wonder why our noble flag still burns.
Monday, March 11, 2024
Join The Justice Squad
Join The Justice Squad © Surazeus 2024 03 11 She mails letters from Desolation Row so I can know what happens to the ghosts who struggle every day to play the show with spirit-twisting passion of proud boasts, yet I refuse to say where I have been, still hoping to explain what I have seen. She photographs torn bodies of the dead half buried in rubble of bombed-out homes so I can build tombs for them in my head while recording their tales in dusty tomes that groan unread in dim library halls as their children play chase in waterfalls. She visits trailer-home parks outside town to document bitter lives of the poor who prefer the preacher become their clown to make them laugh that they can earn no more, unable to work sick in factories because they had to sell their psychic keys. She films the homeless singer by the bank who sings about the Calculator Man who bravely faced down the tyranny tank in world revolution that angels ban by burning down Statue of Liberty whose Book of Deeds crumbles into the sea. She photoshops her magazine face in picture with her children in her arms to prove she will always be Princess Grace fit to rule the kingdom of failing farms, till Humpty Dumpty tumbles off the throne at second coming of the three-eyed crone. She stands before the academic crowd to talk about Power of Poetry sanctioned by the Faceless God in the cloud whose perfect world includes dire poverty for crippled children orphaned by the king who claims all land as his with Magic Ring. She gathers flowers on the river shore to sing with joy that heals her broken heart while Hamlet sells food in the grocery store, hoping to evade fate of his star chart, till his father falls from Tower of Truth, which leaves him crowned as new messiah sleuth. She dances with the Jester by her grave after casting off strict religious chains, then forges Excalibur in the cave, used as propeller for the new airplane she flies above shining clouds to find God, but returns home to join the Justice Squad.
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