
Sunday, May 21, 2023

How We Survive World Wars

How We Survive World Wars
© Surazeus
2023 05 21

When I spring from my American life, 
after being nailed to the train boxcar 
where I hang for ninety-seven years, 
I will sing about everything I see 
while traveling mute from sea to shining sea 
so you can dream how we survive world wars. 

I chant my sick country from its deathbed 
while plucking strings of my sun-warped guitar 
to mock tyranny of the bitter king 
who leads gangs of angry men with hot guns 
to oppose justice of democracy 
while I sing folk songs on the network show. 

With dull tongues of Cerberus I expose 
tyrants wearing business suits and red ties 
who impose system of plutocracy 
to implement authoritarian state 
that hands the wealthy reins to subjugate 
we the people who labor for their greed. 

With wings of devils tangled in my heart 
I leap into bright mirror of world mind 
to fly with flashing eyes in maze of myths 
so I can find the laughing skull of Zeus 
whose spirit wakes in anguish of my heart 
as fierce warrior who rules my tribe with love. 

I start weird alchemy of melting clocks 
to program visions of subjective brains 
with universal truths of psychic laws 
defined by scientists through formulas 
that describe physical functions of love 
which operate our life chemical machine. 

Conceived through grief of my arrogant faith, 
I rise in monstrous form of swirling smoke 
from bright explosion of Plutonian ghosts 
which measure slow decay of endless time 
in terms of sea waves swirling in my eyes 
that open bright in moon sphere of my brain. 

We lie embraced in flashing rays of light 
that flicker through reticulated leaves 
connecting topology of our dreams 
in clustered ethernet of angel brains 
that weave our bodies with genetic coils 
so we become the other beyond death. 

Though my heart beats inside stone of the land 
with swirling shadow of the glorious face 
I peer into heart of darkness that glows 
with heart-aching passion to dominate 
crowded stage on the ziggurat of power 
where Ishtar teaches us how to sing truth. 

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