
Monday, May 29, 2023

Beauty Of Each Soul

Beauty Of Each Soul
© Surazeus
2023 05 29

When the star pool of our infinite eyes 
weighs my mortality with mirror stone 
I feel strange majesty of sparkling rain 
enhance frail nothingness of my soul being, 
so I sing elegies no one can hear 
for all the people killed in senseless wars. 

Though world of dreams I see in the star pool 
shimmers with limpid unrealness of faith 
I sense sweet beauty at horror of death 
reveal my body and soul in dark water 
where material otherness of my mind 
forms formless everything my words invent. 

I could with solid words of granite hope 
personify otherness of my mind 
to mirror virtual world of hidden truth 
so I join choir of angels who despair 
of ever singing the most perfect hymn 
that captures shocking discourse of the night. 

Should pure mind of infinity exclude 
encoded psalms of wisdom we compose 
soft roaring waves of the indifferent sea 
would still sing slow in harmony with death 
that gives me this brief life of anguished faith 
to here express my love for transient souls. 

Yet I fling fractured laughter at the night 
to taste conceptual horror unconstrained 
through puritanic taste for sordid laws 
with each titanic surge against blind time 
by which we fragile humans still insist 
we conquer death with art works we create. 

For we are shadow warriors for the truth, 
defending beauty of the messy mind 
against conservative demands of pride 
that we maintain strict control of each act 
so we will create, rather than destroy, 
lithe structures framing atoms as our souls. 

With elegant severity of faith 
through perceptive devotion to friendship, 
forged by mutual suffering of unfair pain, 
we search for meaning in random events 
to find conspiracy of mindless nature 
where only fatuous forces operate. 

Though physical form of my bodied soul 
will vanish in blank void of nothingness 
verbal reflection of my soul remains 
in silent flowing shimmer of mute words 
that celebrate strange beauty of each soul 
who ever lives in history of our world. 

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