
Sunday, April 16, 2023

So I Open My Eyes

So I Open My Eyes
© Surazeus
2023 04 16

I close my eyes and dream about the world 
that never exists in reality 
because the world will remain as it is 
whether my two eyes are open or closed, 
so I open my eyes with eager faith 
to love everything that always exists. 

Expanding from the singularity, 
the white whole swells from infinite desire 
to express every variable of life 
that fluctuates from possibility, 
so I open my eyes with shock of truth 
that I even exist now here as me. 

Even as my body pulses with light 
of atoms beaming from first flash of time 
I freeze conceptual vision of the world 
in random string of words that you read now, 
so I open my eyes to see time flow 
as singing ghost that mocks my fall in death. 

My mind is haunted by the restless thoughts 
spoken by people who lived before me 
when their faceless ghosts crowd around my soul 
to animate my body with their dreams, 
so I open my eyes to become them 
till I integrate them all into me. 

With every new song I compose with words 
I assimilate both living and dead 
into the virtual dream world of my mind 
as pieces assembling puzzle of me, 
so I open my eyes to organize 
all world myths in new kaleidoscope truth. 

Narcissus stares in mirror of the lake 
to dream water thoughts of fractalized truth 
that reconstruct strange beauty of his face 
till he falls in love with humanity, 
so I open my eyes to see my face 
in face of every human being alive. 

Through inventivity of opaque thoughts 
I build vast empire of the dreamless mind 
with subtle bodacity of desire 
to become the me you think you perceive, 
so I open my eyes of shadow light 
to measure infinity with my brain. 

If God is the sum of what I believe 
then I am now God temporarily 
as random assembly of atom sparks 
that wake in sodden shimmer of my brain, 
so I open my eyes to become God 
glowing with love till I vanish in death. 

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