
Friday, April 14, 2023

Goddess Of Boggy Creek

Goddess Of Boggy Creek
© Surazeus
2023 04 14

Grasping book of lies no one wants to read, 
the pilgrim prays all night at Boggy Creek 
for chariot of the gods to take him home 
but the sun rises on him still alone, 
light smearing blood across his long black cloak, 
so he turns grim face to the wilderness. 

Clutching oak trunk in random dizziness, 
the pilgrim walks all day by Boggy Creek 
to search for bones of angels in the mud 
because the only wings that flutter near 
are those of ravens searching for his heart 
that urges him to tame the wilderness. 

Shuddering at memory of dark thunderstorms, 
the pilgrim lost in woods of Boggy Creek 
looks for angry face of God in storm clouds 
but finds no deity staring at him, 
yet still he feels some divine conscious mind 
always judging worth of acts he performs. 

Lured by sweet eerie melody of hope, 
the pilgrim stuck in gloom of Boggy Creek 
struggles through thick obstacles of despair 
to find young woman with long golden hair 
singing hymn of bold faith in sunlit grove, 
face luminescent with heavenly glow. 

Convinced young girl is God in human form, 
the pilgrim kneels entranced by Boggy Creek 
to pray with fervent loyalty of love 
for guidance from the angel with gold hair 
whose blue eyes reflect Eternal Blue Sky 
that fills his dark heart with transcendent joy. 

Astonished by pure wisdom of her eyes, 
the pilgrim bedazzled by Boggy Creek 
opens his heart to voice of the young girl 
who lays hands on his lowly bowed head 
to bless his heart with anguish of true love 
so he proclaims devotion to her cause. 

Wearing laurel wreath she crowns on his head, 
the pilgrim saved from Hell by Boggy Creek 
pledges eternal loyalty of love 
to obey her words in sickness and health, 
then slips on her left hand the wedding ring 
as she proclaims him husband of her heart. 

Heart bound to her in marriage of true minds, 
the pilgrim loves Goddess of Boggy Creek 
who suckles their new-born child at her breast 
while he nurses garden of herbs and worts, 
then tends warm hearth on long cold winter nights 
while she sings hymns, face lit with joyful peace. 

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