
Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Replicate My Soul

Replicate My Soul
© Surazeus
2023 04 18

The humanness that aches inside my bones 
glows out with radiant anguish of pure love 
to light my journey in this world of gloom 
as I replicate my soul in mute clones 
who will never know more than how to rove 
with anxious pleasure for the day of doom. 

Alive with love that screams out sunset flame, 
I trip on devil wings beyond the moon 
to hide in ancient stories people tell 
as we quest for secret of the true name 
bleeding from our eyes of hope all too soon 
for our bodies to ring with the prayer bell. 

Moving my body through the city zone 
farther from my original homeland 
in vain quest to find my lost family, 
I tear weird heart from my blossoming bone 
when no angel wing grows out of my hand 
through fantastic passion of alchemy. 

Outside of language I am wordless wind, 
awake with horror in strange solitude 
that reads my sorrow in the bleeding book, 
till Death takes me to fields where flowers bend 
with naked whispers of our social feud 
contrived by arrogance of the dream cook. 

My heart, as offspring of my hungry soul, 
wants to feel how your body glows with light 
based on unspoken riddles of the fool 
who steals our names so he can play the role 
of national hero who can win the fight 
with rebellious stance against royal rule. 

I know the country of the weeping hills 
where lonely water sings with eager stone 
to build safe island from hopes we may share 
since vibrant flow of wisdom ever fills 
silent valleys with ghosts of Avalon 
who receive nothing for their fervent prayer. 

Still looking now along the forest floor 
for black feather from the dead angel wing, 
body vibrant with voices of the dead 
who linger laughing in the mortal door, 
I gaze at Death with sea-blue eyes of spring 
to see what can exist outside my head. 

So when I behold her beautiful face, 
shining with gold of Venus in the sky, 
I embrace her spirit with loving moan, 
so we share pleasure of creative grace 
that spirals from diamond of the God Eye 
till I wake and find I am not alone. 

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