
Sunday, April 2, 2023

Gold-Eyed Female Demon

Gold-Eyed Female Demon
© Surazeus
2023 04 01

Trapped in dream state of sleep paralysis 
beneath liquid shadow of stark moonlight, 
I sense gold-eyed female demon of love 
looming over fragile flame of my soul, 
black wings of dour cherubic arrogance 
compressing my morose mind with despair. 

Though frightened with grim cimmerian dread 
as I float paralyzed in stygian gloom, 
I sense gold-eyed female demon of faith 
reach shadow hands into my pulsing heart, 
fascinated by dismal sentiment 
of loving terror clutching my frail soul. 

Struggling in vain to wrench myself awake 
with silent screaming rage against mute fear, 
I sense gold-eyed female demon of hope 
twist my taut caliginous mind in coils 
of sinister desire to extricate 
my naked memory from her hungry need. 

Still half awake in crepuscular ethos 
as darkling gnome with sullen countenance, 
I sense gold-eyed female demon of trust 
rip spooky anguish of aphotic doubt 
from blood-stained tendrils of my rancid brain 
till empty of despair I burn with hubris. 

Embraced by ravenous lust of disdain 
with petulant revulsion for her need, 
I sense gold-eyed female demon of grace 
drag my languid physique of lassitude 
from suffocating shadow of my mind 
though I attempt to spread my crippled wings. 

Emerging from hyper-vigilant state 
of feeling vulnerable to fierce attack, 
I sense gold-eyed female demon of light 
hover writhing over my rigid soul, 
immobile with turbulent leap of faith 
as I surge howling blind against my mind. 

Distraught with hysterical hope for freedom 
with fierce phrenetic flight from hectic hate, 
I sense gold-eyed female demon of truth 
liberate my mind from anguish of shame 
as my concerned wife with alarmed embrace 
wakes me from dream of sleep paralysis. 

Free from dream state of sleep paralysis 
in safe haven of my connubial home, 
I sense gold-eyed female demon of love, 
embodied by soul of my nuptial mate, 
console my traumatized soul with kind words 
as I gaze in caring glow of her eyes. 

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