
Friday, October 12, 2018

Vote For One Who Loves All

Vote For One Who Loves All
© Surazeus
2018 10 12

Why do you ask me what rules I stand for
when what you really want to know from me
is who I will fight for in civil war
between opposing factions of strong men
who want nothing more than power to control
lives of people whose work will make them rich?

I stand for common people of this world
who want nothing more than to live each day
gathering food, crafting things, savoring joy,
eating well, singing stories, making love,
and exploring the beauty of all nature
through safe liberty to do as they will.

I stand against greedy people of this world
who oppress common people for their gain,
strong people who control vast tracts of land
and exploit poor people who need to work
by subjugating them with unfair rules,
for I will oppose such tyrants with force.

Some men in power do dedicate their lives
to organizing roles of common people
so they work together for common good,
and judge fairly in cases of conflict
to protect the innocent from exploiters
which maintains function of society.

I will support the honest humble leader
who loves each individual in the group
and manages the role each person plays
to maximize the rewards of their actions
so everyone benefits from their work
with equal opportunity to thrive.

I choose to follow the generous leader
who would sacrifice themself for the good
of common people they swear to serve well,
for their goal is the health of each person
and not their own gain at expense of others,
so I will vote for the one who loves all.

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