
Friday, October 26, 2018

Prophet Of My Own Religion

Prophet Of My Own Religion
© Surazeus
2018 10 26

While sitting in church on Saturday morning
to attend Sabbath with my family
when I was twelve years old and lived in Texas,
I heard the preacher proclaim that King Jesus
would return and raise us all from the dead
then give each person their own planet world.

I spent many hours dreaming of my world,
which I named Ranika for the name Rana
who would be my Eve in our paradise,
then drew maps to show its lush continents
that resemble Europe of my ancestors
with the British Isles off the western coast.

Filling pages with maps and histories,
I designed tribes of humans and their gods,
inventing languages with alphabets
in which they record legends of their heroes,
including the great Emperor Saron,
who united warring nations as one.

I named myself the poet Solarian
who compiles all chronicles of the world
into one epic poem of Ranika,
detailing lives and ideas of people
who organized all knowledge in world view
that every young student studies in school.

When I was twenty-one at Christian college
I studied the philosophy of Plato
who argued existing material things
are based on eternal forms of Ideas
and therefore God, beyond all time and space,
subsists as substance of existing things.

God is the atoms of the universe
which have no conscious mind as particles
till they evolve into organic brains
which generate consciousness of perception
based on memory about Ideas of things,
so then I knew that Man invented God.

God is Idea of the Tribal Leader
as concept of the spirit of mankind
that wakes as wisdom in our mortal minds
and passes through generations of kings
to link our bodies in genetic chain
of eternal being born again in children.

I discarded my planet fantasy
and focused on the real world where I live
when I applied pattern of Ranika
to match true matter of this planet Earth
named for Sakyartha, matron of Gothinians
when we named this planet for our First Mother.

I visit Ranika in secret dreams
where I walk with my bride by sparkling streams
but, though I envy people who believe
Jesus will resurrect them from the dead,
I stay in the real world of planet Earth
where I write epic of philosophers.

I never attend the church anymore
for I am prophet of my own religion
which incorporates all religions of Earth
in one global story of human wisdom
as I write scripture in Bible of tales
to describe our evolution into Man.

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