
Saturday, October 20, 2018

Milk And Honey Of Love

Milk And Honey Of Love
© Surazeus
2018 10 20

Love gives without asking love in return,
therefore I do not need you to love me
for me to love you with all of my heart.

I give you my love to empty my heart
so my heart can generate much more love
because you need all the love I can give.

Though I am the mirror who reflects back
the energy you give to me through words
I try to transform your anger to love.

When my heart is empty I close its doors
to protect myself from your angry hate
so my heart can generate love you need.

When my heart is full I open its doors
to flood the world with my generous love
so you learn how to swim on your own love.

I run in circles through cycle of love,
giving you love when my heart is too full
and preserving my soul to grow more love.

Pain from lack of love digs holes in my heart
so rain of sorrow fills my heart with love
which you can drink when you thirst for my love.

I gather your words from flower of your heart
to transform your hurt and sorrow to love
so you heal with joy from honey I give you.

I eat grass of fear from dark soil of death
to transform your despair into true love
so you gain new courage from milk I give you.

I give you the milk and honey of love
which I transform from grim sorrow of fear
because I love you though you do not care.

I hide the ghost of my love in my heart
so its light beams bright in the hopeless dark
which guides us home from the harsh wilderness.

You may not love me but I love you well
for the love that flows from my aching heart
sustains my spirit on the road of life.

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