
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Movies About Free Spirits

Movies About Free Spirits
© Surazeus
2018 10 23

The mask of the manic pixie dream girl
she wears to hide pain of childhood abuse
reflects obsessions of faith he projects
that she will teach him how to be himself,
but she follows her own journey of growth
as princess who escaped the tower of fear
to find the boy who respects her with love
instead of believing he owns her soul.

They are two needy souls on road of life,
helping each other survive cruel attacks
while they explore the hostile wilderness
to establish safe haven inside walls
he builds with bleeding hands to keep her safe
while she tends garden of fruit trees and herbs
and he patrols walls to guard paradise
where they raise children to follow strict rules.

They found dynasties of aggressive kings
who lead armies of angry violent boys
to control fertile land where fruit trees grow
and kidnap girls from country villages
to raise new generation of fierce boys
who lead families through the waste land of hope
to colonize land their ancestors lost
and start new villages on river shores.

Angry tyrants, terrified of mute death,
proclaim rules for everyone to obey,
and punish rebels with horrible death
to maintain order of the national clan
who believe their success gives them the right
to destroy everyone else in their way
as they fight to dominate the whole world
till they die, and new generations fight.

When Holly Golightly dances in rain,
freed from harsh restrictions of social laws,
to escape memories of childhood abuse,
she survived during destructive world war,
Apollo leaves his gold lyre in the mud
to drink wine and dance with Eurydice
till the snake bites her heel and she falls dead,
which leaves him weeping at the empty cave.

When Antigone kneels on jagged rocks
to weep over the fallen warrior,
who was thrown from the temple of lost heroes
for rebelling against his haughty brother,
Tiresias takes her back to Hollywood
where she stars in movies about free spirits
who teach men how to break social conventions
and follow their dreams till they fail and die.

Orpheus goes down in the Underworld
to rescue his manic pixie dream girl
from lusting clutches of the King of Death,
but her free spirit slips out of his grasp
to fulfill all her own secret desires
walking alone by Moon River at dawn
on journey to discover her true name,
and escape the male-dominated game.

The Fairy Queen who rules behind the scenes
makes the mad tyrant dance on puppet strings
when she manipulates him with blind desire
to destroy institutions of control
and smash the patriarchy of male pride,
then throws the mafia clown on heap of trash
to choose the new hidden dragon to rule
land of the free and home of the brave.

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