
Monday, October 29, 2018

Make America Greater Than Before

Make America Greater Than Before
© Surazeus
2018 10 29

Why are men with rifles invading halls
and killing people with bullets of hate?

What rhetoric of hate borne from blind fear
about some groups different from other groups
is getting stoked by flames of active rage
by people in roles of authority
who urge loyal followers to attack
people they want to drive out of our nation?

What person in role as national leader
expresses pride in nationalist identity
that includes only people with white skin
who follow the crucified carpenter
and control resources of land and wealth,
while excluding people with darker skin
who follow other prophets of One God
or believe no God at all controls fate,
while he mocks and insults every opponent
and advocates jailing or killing them all?

Why are we surprised when weak fearful men,
emboldened by angry national leader
spouting fake news about innocent people,
follow his command to attack and kill
people who believe differently than him
in vain attempt to roll back crimson tide
of transformation as our nation grows
from white christian to multinational?

Fascists who attempt to control the world,
fighting desperately against social change
by making America White Again,
will fail in their weak agenda of hate
and vanish when fire of anger burns out,
for love conquers all in the flow of time
as people of every color and creed
from all nations of the world mix together
to Make America Greater Than Before.

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