
Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Conscious Entity Of Love

Conscious Entity Of Love
© Surazeus
2018 10 10

Though vicissitudes of life break my heart
and Wheel of Fortune rolls over my soul
I will never play the victim of chance
for I will flow with the progress of change.

Though this God you think is conscious and strong
hurls hurricanes of troubles at my face
I will resist his aggressive attacks
and bend like the reed in the whistling wind.

You say your God is force attacking me
because I will not acknowledge his power,
but you are the one attacking me now,
claiming your God gives you that divine right.

You attack me from blindness of your greed
because I deny your right to rule me,
so when I exercise my will to live
you try to destroy me in your cruel rage.

When I defend myself against your hate
you accuse me of attacking you first
but I will use force to protect myself
to prevent you from destroying my life.

I hesitate to use strong force to fight,
but if I do not resist your attack
you will destroy me and take all I own,
therefore I have the right to fight for peace.

I am the victor in my fight for life
and master of my fate that I create
when I defend my life and liberty
against you and your wrathful God of hate.

Though vicissitudes of life crush my soul
and obliterate my life from the Earth
I will rejoice that I lived while I could,
savoring beautiful pleasures of the mind.

Since we humans act through the force of will
our ancestors thought nature acts through will,
but forces of nature are random events
that act without conscious hostility.

I am the conscious entity of love
who perceives this world of material forms
so I flow with every chemical process
that spirals through my conscious soul as light.

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