
Thursday, August 2, 2018

Juicy Apple Of The Sun

Juicy Apple Of The Sun
© Surazeus
2018 08 02

The tree drops apples on the vibrant ground
which echoes with deep heartbeat in my chest
to startle me awake with consciousness
vibrating outward from my blood-hot head.

I seem to experience with blazing eyes
mind-blowing epiphany about truth
each hour I observe our amazing world
that flashes with pulsing atoms of love.

I encode prophecies of what I see
with flashing letters on computer screen
in digits transient as fragile tree leaves
that swirl nowhere in aching Autumn wind.

I weave weird visions on vast crystal sky
in threads of verses brief as lightning flash
that strikes pure light on clear globe of our eyes
which leaves us blind in divine light of truth.

For no apparent reason I detect
I stand and walk out from my living room
through doorway of infinite absolute
to stand on lush lawn in motionless eve.

Nine shades of blue pale into oozing mauve
across curved shimmering surface of thick air
so houses and trees listen to my breath
when I become immense presence of calm.

I almost think the sky looks down at me
but that is bright reflection of my soul
my own brain projects at indifferent space
when atomic waves weave fire in my brain.

Then at that moment of eternal sight
this hour becomes all time this world has spun
around plump nourishing breast of the sun
so I am always here since dawn of life.

Four hundred million years, since we first woke
as single eye of singing carbon rings,
glows timeless in my dreaming consciousness
so every evening becomes this hour now.

Every ancestor awake in my genes,
who wove my flesh from sweet aggressive lust,
gazes through my eyes at this evening sky
to dream all evenings in strange shining light.

One hundred thousand years ago shines clear
in my ancestral memories of hope
as this hour tonight, which already fades
to become another timeless hour lost.

I hold the juicy apple of the sun
and dream creation of our universe
within every sparkling drop I consume
to become one spirit with the White Whole.

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