
Friday, August 31, 2018

Share Tales Of Our Lives

Share Tales Of Our Lives
© Surazeus
2018 08 31

Since we first sat around the sparkling fire,
after hunting and cooking food all day,
and started beating hollow logs with sticks,
and blowing melodies through hollow reeds,
and twanging gut strings taut on tortoise shells,
and chanting visions of our minds in words,
and dancing wildly in wide ring of stones,
we humans have shared the tales of our lives.

Through ballads presenting actions of heroes
to defend our tribe from monsters of fear,
through lamentations for our suffering hearts,
through elegies for the loved ones who died,
through litanies praising bounty of Earth,
through hymns honoring wisdom of our leaders,
through lyrics expressing desires to breed,
we humans have shared the tales of our lives.

As we rise with the shining of the sun
that generates life on our spinning globe,
we plant seeds and tend crops of trees and herbs,
we herd sheep, goats, horses, and cows in fields,
we build homes, wagons, ships, and tools from wood,
and we construct enormous halls from stone
to gather at night and feast with our friends
where we humans share the tales of our lives.

We gather in Vale Halls of ancient heroes,
ziggurats, pyramids, temples, cathedrals,
synagogues, churches, mosques, and theaters,
to tell the stories of our great ancestors
whose human bodies recede into shadows
of numinous light that glow in our minds
which conjures their idols as guiding spirits
when we humans share tales of our lives.

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