
Monday, August 27, 2018

Ghost Of The Apple Orchard

Ghost Of The Apple Orchard
© Surazeus
2018 08 27

The rough fragile branches of apple trees,
which transform sun and rain into sweet fruit,
extend tendrils of desire through my nerves
so I feel flash of agony and ecstasy
expressing ancient songs of hungry lust
in contours of this body I inhabit.

Taut energy of truth expanding trance
from clear perception, focused on light beams
flashing through gray clouds that hover on wings
of rain, reveals in vision of each drop
how stars spew fountains of material wealth
to weave plush photons in web of neurons.

Summoned before the council of wise elders,
dressed in clean white cotton gowns of power,
I stand in round temple on mountain top,
where through pillars of staunch authority
gleam sunrays of truth that blind my clear eyes,
so I bow my head before awesome glory.

Voiceless thoughts of reprimand whisper soft
on eerie wind that ruffles through my hair
that I never contribute to the growth
of our empire on mission to control
nations of the Earth in united program
to organize communes of society.

I argue how I tend orchards of trees
producing apples that nourish our souls
by catching snakes and pulling weeds from soil
so roots weaving down to heart of our world
transform rain and soil into juicy fruit,
and so I wander among trees all day.

Goddess Iduna, with eyes blazing blue
as summer skies after showers of rain,
presses hand on my chest where my heart beats,
and commissions me to fill hundred wagons
with baskets of apples, and journey far
to plant apple trees on lush river shores.

Transform the waste lands of our spinning world
into apple orchards sparkling with fruit
so all the peoples of the world may eat,
feasting on the rich spirit of the sun,
so when they gather in song ring of stones
they may sing hymns to praise our generous love.

Smooth surface of apples cool in my hand,
tingle strange emotion breaking my heart
so I feel I sink down into dark Earth,
then gaze at their temple on mountain top
where they sit all day by the sparkling pool,
feasting on my apples while girls play flutes.

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