
Thursday, August 23, 2018

I Am The Sun Reborn

I Am The Sun Reborn
© Surazeus
2018 08 23

Each time midnight stars call me on the phone
the highway grows trees in the center lane
who whisper formulas of molecules
so I know the names wood doors give themselves
since I can build new bridge over the chasm
who knows every secret I try to hide.

The Glow Cloud who sings flight of butterflies
swirls sand dunes on my chest when I explain
calculation of ocean waves through words
I invent from sound of water on rocks,
however fast the laughing flower blooms
to redesign my skull each day I wake.

Returning to the kitchen without hands,
I steal bird wings from angels still asleep,
then listen to the terror through the wall
explain why people who feel insecure
cling to faith that spirits they cannot see
love them though they suffer terrible pain.

Though I stand at the bottomless abyss,
happy knowing I am insignificant,
I try to control actions I perform
with strict efficient progress through the world
because harsh forces, mindless and hostile,
will destroy me if I but deviate.

Two opinions control our politics
about how we treat each person alive
to reward or punish actions they perform
that contribute to success of our tribe,
keep everyone alive with strong support,
or let the weak who make mistakes die out.

For millions of years on our spinning world
we humans lived in small wandering tribes
struggling to live in hostile wilderness,
so each person must contribute their part
to overall expansion of our growth,
or else they make us weaker with their need.

Steps of progress when we evolve or die
still encoded in memories of my dreams
I record in these spells which no one reads
to calculate how they overcame death
when my ancestors explored bleak wilderness
to create paradise from the waste land.

Bearing torch of liberty through the gloom,
I ascend my small flat-top pyramid
to light bright fire on stone altar of insight
while I stand guard in the watch tower of truth,
watching for demons as my tribe sleeps safe,
for I am Lucifer, Make of Light.

Beside me on high pyramid of eyes
spirits of men who founded dynasties,
Asura, Phoibos, Hercules, and Jesus,
keep watch during long night of turning stars,
and teach me how to guide lost human souls
so they perform their duties in Elysium.

I wonder if energy of my cells
controls my progress through maze of this world,
or if I can exercise my free will
to act according to vision I dream
when I want to change my environment
to make real better real system I imagine.

When I kneel in forest of Singing Trees
and dig my fingers down in fertile soil
I find their spirits humming in my mind
as their roots connect with nerves of my body
and link my soul to the soul of the land
so I understand lusty songs of the birds.

I see her walking on meadow of hope,
the elegant woman with long smooth hair
who embodies pure spirit of the light
because she can create new human souls,
generating bodies from seed of man,
who wakes from the strange dream of sun and rain.

I feel pulse of energy in my heart
kindled by spiraling flames of the sun,
this brief and fragile flame of consciousness
when the huge sun wakes up inside my brain
and calls itself the God who creates life,
so I sing how I am the sun reborn.

I listen to the songs of birds in trees
and hear secrets my ancestors first dreamed,
then I swim in the flowing stream of light
and remember when I crawled from the sea
and gave birth to all creatures with four legs
who walk on surface of our turning world.

I feel vibrating on clear cosmic vibes
concepts that glow in neurons of your brains
which you express in the words of your mouth
when we swallow ripe apples of the sun
and become blind trees of the singing wood
who transform from spiraling beams of light.

I stop on city street and look around,
amazed how we evolved from apes in trees
who came down when we lost our grasping tails
and danced upright in surging tide of waves,
learning to walk on two legs in the sea,
then climbing high mountains to touch the sky.

I look at face of strangers without names
and wonder if their brains work just like mine
since we all descend from the same First Mother
who taught us to sing visions of our eyes
so we dream history of our universe
that flared forth from First Flash of the White Whole.

Along fertile shore of the mountain lake
I walk in shining mist of quietude
to find five seers sitting in Cave of Shadows,
Sidney, Wordsworth, Shelley, Eliot, and Frost,
who sing as choir of angels in the light
which emanates from glowing Eye of Truth.

I try to talk to people walking by
but no one sees the features of my face
hidden behind mask of ancestral kings
who once ruled as gods from castles of stone
so I tear off my face to expose skull
and reveal bright flames of my beating wings.

They pause and squint at blinding flare of light
that glitters off window on huge tower of glass,
then continue chasing rainbows of wealth
while I sink back into frail mortal shell
to strum guitar and sing on city street
about endless quest for the Holy Grail.

I paint new god names on every street sign
in cursive alphabet which I designed
so they go backward through alternate maze
where sunlight beams slant through cathedral eyes
which illuminate motionless time between
open doors in amusement park of life.

We are not as real as we think we are,
says old man who changes names every day,
so I follow him through vast labyrinth
to see how the Roman Empire transformed
through the Catholic Church and the British Empire
into this American Empire I create.

I am the Sun reborn, I sing with pride
to hundred million people driving cars
and so are you, you sparkling beams of light,
so they all stop their cars on crowded roads
and walk together in lush fields of flowers
where they spread arms and float into the sky.

Shall we all beam back up into the sun
and swirl deep into Sea of Helium
from which we transformed into human beings
through transmutating womb of the warm sea
that spirals around our frail spinning sphere
and throws us up onto the solid ground?

We gathered on high pyramid of feast
where Amen chanted process of creation
then we spread out to colonize the Earth,
building temples on every river shore
where Clan Mother manages life routine
producing food so everyone may eat.

When the moon glows bright over fields of wheat
we gather around flat-top pyramid
to drink wine and dance around roaring fire
while drums beat, flutes tweet, and tambourines ring,
and Clan Mother, incarnation of Ishtar,
crowned in gems sings spells to enchant our hearts.

Where are we going now on road of life,
transforming every valley of the Earth
from desolate waste with pipelines of water
into lush paradise of fruit trees and herbs
where we feast, sing tales, and make love all day,
and evolve through competition of sports.

The horrors of killing in brutal war
nauseate me with disgust for violent hate
when angry men recruit aggressive gangs
to conquer the world with their mindless greed,
so we form strong army of honest warriors
to defend our homeland from fierce attack.

I am the sun reborn, I tell my children,
for molecules forged by eye of the sun
beam in thick spirals of pulsating light
which weave whole structure of our spinning world,
transforming minerals, water, and air
into plants and animals hot with love.

We compete in aggressive war for food,
organic creatures devouring each other
in constant chemical metamorphosis
so matter changes forms through every life,
when the strong consume bodies of the weak,
then replicate children before they die.

Since we will die, and matter of our bodies
will be recycled into other bodies,
I want to protect every living body
so we all can savor pleasures of life,
singing together in lush paradise,
before we die and dissolve back to light.

Now that we humans dominate the Earth,
still spacious enough for each living person,
and produce enough food for all to eat,
let us develop one new global system
that takes care of every person alive
with space to live well and good food to eat.

Why should one person suffer homelessness
and hunger for the good pleasures of life,
I cry out to the highway full of cars
that drive endless circles, belching exhaust,
which shrouds vast metropolis in gray smog,
then lie under the bridge that goes nowhere.

Hunger drives me forward through maze of homes,
churches, stores, schools, museums, and theaters
where people go about their busy lives,
performing drama of meaning they choose
based on myths of heroes from ancient books
where Wizard helps Warrior defeat the Tyrant.

What role shall I play in this cosmic tale,
young warrior who defeats the greedy tyrant
becomes the king who manages the state
while fighting rebels who challenge his rule,
then gives crown of power to his first-born son,
and helps him defeat the oppressive tyrant.

How shall I escape this cycle of power
in the endless rise and fall of great empires,
stuck on the giant spinning Wheel of Fortune,
so I can climb to grove on Mount Parnassus
to relax in the ring of singing stones
where I can sing long tales of noble heroes?

I leave watch tower on flat-top pyramid
and walk along the river of the light
who leads me westward for ten thousand years
so I walk from Egypt to Oregon
where I stand on shore of the glowing sea
and dream evolution from Fish to God.

Now I want to build flat-top pyramid
and stand with Ishtar under sparkling stars
to sing how atoms transform into planets
where conscious creatures rise from flowing streams
to pluck ripe fruit from tree of life and sing
secret name of truth that blooms from our hearts.

I sit in quiet backyard of my home
and listen to trees sing about the light
weaving neurons of my brain in vast web
which reflects egg-spiral of galaxies
that flare forth from First Flash of the Big Bang
to generate spirit of the White Whole.

So when midnight stars call me on the phone
I pluck apples from trees long locked in heaven
and give them to people driving their cars
on the vast highway of hope in America
so the seeds they throw out the speeding window
will transform Earth into Garden of Eden.

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